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Panel on Career Paths Contrasted Ellen M. Voorhees.

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1 Panel on Career Paths Contrasted Ellen M. Voorhees

2 2 Government Labs Scads of federal labs; see Dept. of Defense each branch of military has lab some intelligence agencies have labs Dept. of Energy Oak Ridge, Sandia, Los Alamos… NASA Health & Human Services: NIH Dept. of Commerce: NIST, NOAA

3 3 National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST is an atypical government lab one of only two federal labs to have its own authorization, annual appropriation, and be headed by Presidential appointee non-regulatory, non-defense Significant differences exist even within NIST laboratory and division chiefs have considerable leeway within general NIST policies

4 4 NIST Fast Facts Mission: To develop and promote measurement, standards, and technology to enhance productivity, facilitate trade, and improve the quality of life. Statistics 2 main locations: Gaithersburg, MD & Boulder, CO ~ 3000 employees + ~ 1,800 visiting researchers 7 laboratories + Baldridge National Quality Program + Advanced Technology Program + Manufacturing Extension Partnership NIST’s FY2004 budget ~ $771 million (all sources)

5 5 NIST Career Paths and Bands CAREER PATHS Scientific and S&E Technician (ZT) Administrative (ZA) Support (ZS) Corresponding GS Grades 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BANDS IIIIIIIVV IIIIIIIVV IIIIIIIVV IIIIIIIVV Engineering (ZP)

6 6 Managerial Paths NIST has intentionally flat structure NIST director (appointed), laboratory director, division head, group leader thus, not many managerial positions Senior Executive Service (SES) managerial, supervisory, and policy positions classified above GS15 in the executive branch positions established by OPM at NIST, laboratory directorships are SES positions; many division heads are also SES members

7 7 Advanced Scientific Positions ST positions high-level research and development positions above GS15 that do not have the required managerial aspects of SES positions positions allocated by OPM no specific qualifications mandated, but incumbent is expected to be internationally recognized expert in significant field of endeavor

8 8 Pure Research Positions Rare Team projects junior researchers generally member of team team will most likely have some goals/deliverables that are not research the research will frequently be a team effort, too Setting research agenda usually requires management position has similarities with running academic research group, but also significant differences –non-research goals frequently must take precedence –more significant personnel issues

9 9 Non-academic Research Pros less emphasis on fund raising, especially early on potential for access to equipment/positions not possible elsewhere better match with some personality types Cons less control over research agenda and schedule non-academic researcher generally a minority in research community

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