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1 Chapter 8 Political Parties. 2 Introduction Political Party = a group with common vision that come together to elect officials to public office Introduced.

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1 1 Chapter 8 Political Parties

2 2 Introduction Political Party = a group with common vision that come together to elect officials to public office Introduced 1796 Way to organize people to fight for control of political offices

3 3 Political Parties Anti-Federalists – Thomas Jefferson Did not want the growth of a strong national government Fought against the Constitution Thomas Jefferson – candidate for president

4 4 Political Parties Federalists – Alexander Hamilton Supported the Constitution Supported John Adams for president

5 5 Political Parties John Adams elected President in 1796 – support for the Constitution First election where political parties played a role

6 6 Political Parties Birth of the Democratic Party Jefferson renamed the Anti-Federalist Party the Democratic-Republican Party Organized people to vote – first in history Election of 1800 – Thomas Jefferson won House determined the election First peaceful transfer of power – Adams left office

7 7 Political Parties Jacksonian Democrats Election of 1824 – popular vote counts Jackson won majority in popular vote, but not in the electoral college John Quincy Adams won in the Electoral College and with the House of Representatives – became the 10 th president of the US Jackson organized for the election of 1828 – Democratic-Republican Party now changed name to Jacksonian Democrats

8 8 Jacksonian Democrats Jackson won the election of 1828 with the support of Westerners, urban workers, and non-slave holding southerners – Stay for two terms 1832 – first party convention Whig party formed in opposition to Jackson During 1830-1850 Whig party and Democrats were the two party system

9 9 Political Parties Birth of the Republican Party Election of 1860 – Republicans began Abraham Lincoln - candidate represented industrial base Democrats represented rural America 1860-1884 Republicans were in the White House

10 10 Political Parties The Pendulum Swings 1929 Depression End of Republican domination Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “New Deal” emerged for Democrats New Deal Coalition formed – urban working class, poor, southerners, and liberal intellectuals White House in Democratic control from 1932-1968 except during 1952

11 11 Political Parties The Pendulum Swings Again 1968 – trend toward Republican leadership – Democrats lost 5 of the last 8 elections Conservative shift in the country

12 12 Political Party Structure National Committees Democratic National Committee Republican National Committee National Chair selected by each party Chair is spokesperson for the party Hold national conventions every 4 years

13 13 Political Party Structure State and Local Parties Local level most important Increase in political activity at the local level

14 14 Role of Political Parties Assist in resolving political differences Promote change Gather power The more elected officials in your party the more influence you have

15 15 Role of Political Parties Stability Promote stability in the electorate Services Organize elections – money, staff Policy Formulation National party platform – explains stance on issues

16 16 Political Parties After the Election Legislative Branch Each political party elects a leader The majority leaders in the House and the Senate are from the party that is control Party leaders select the leaders of committees and select office locations Each person running for office needs the support of his/her party

17 17 Political Parties After the Election Executive Branch President makes appointments Judicial Branch Should be nonpartisan, but is not Judges are appointed to their positions and views align with the president who appoints them

18 18 Third Party Role Help major parties change Not a major effect on elections Never won a presidential election Green Party, Reform Party

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