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Ch. 17 Foot, Ankle, and Lower Leg

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1 Ch. 17 Foot, Ankle, and Lower Leg

2 Objectives Describe the anatomy of the foot and ankle.
Cite primary extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the lower leg. Explain the common injuries and condition affecting the foot, ankle, and lower leg. Describe medical tibial stress syndrome and its treatment.

3 Anatomy 28 bones in each foot 38 joints 7 tarsals 5 metatarsals
14 phalanges 2 Sesmoids 38 joints

4 Anatomy Tarsals Talus Calcaneus Navicular Cuboid 1st Cuneiform
2nd Cuneiform 3rd Cuneiform

5 Arches Medial Longitudinal Arch Highest and most important Calcaneus
Talus Navicular Cuneiforms First 3 metatarsals Highest and most important

6 Arches Lateral Longitudinal Arch Lower and flatter than medial side
Calcaneus Talus Cuboid 4th and 5th metatarsals Lower and flatter than medial side

7 Arches Transverse Arch Cuneiforms Cuboid Fifth Metatarsal
Arches are maintained by bones and ligaments

8 Joints Talocrural joint is the ankle joint Most commonly injured joint
Medial and lateral malleolus Talus is the most weight bearing bone in body

9 Ligaments Medial Lateral Deltoid Ligament Anterior Talofibular
Composed of 4 ligaments Lateral Anterior Talofibular Posterior Talofibular Calcaneofibular


11 Muscles Intrinsic muscles: located within the foot and cause movement of the toes Plantar flexors, dorsiflexors, abductors, and adductors of the toes Extrinsic muscles: located outside the foot in the lower leg

12 Muscles Gastrocnemius: plantar flexes foot Soleus: plantar flexes foot
Tibialis Anterior: dorsiflexes foot Peroneus Longus: everts, plantar flexes Peroneus Brevus: everts foot Flexor Hallucis Longus: flexes great toe Flexor Digitorum Longus: flexes toes

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