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Smoke Aerosols, Clouds, Rainfall and Climate (SMOCC)

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Presentation on theme: "Smoke Aerosols, Clouds, Rainfall and Climate (SMOCC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Smoke Aerosols, Clouds, Rainfall and Climate (SMOCC)
An EU Research Project, led by Prof. Meinrat O. Andreae Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz

2 How do aerosols influence climate?
I) Direct Effects (i.e., not involving cloud) a) Backscattering of sunlight into space  increased albedo  cooling

3 Ib) Absorption of sunlight
At surface: cooling In atmosphere: warming Effects: reduced convection and cloudiness reduced evaporation from ocean reduced rainfall downwind The key parameter is the black carbon content of the aerosol and its mixing state

4 Aerosol Mixing State of Black Carbon
Forcing (W m-2, Jacobson, 2000) External Mixing Black Carbon Core +0.54 Internal Mixing

5 II) Indirect Effects Each cloud droplet needs a "seed" or nucleus to be able to form: "Cloud Condensation Nucleus” (CCN) For a given cloud, the more CCN in the air, the more droplets Since the water supply in a cloud is limited: more droplets means smaller droplets

6 IIa) First Indirect Effect
Ship tracks off the Washington coast Adding CCN makes clouds with more, smaller droplets. These clouds are whiter, reflect more sunlight  net cooling

7 IIb) Second Indirect Effect
“Overseeding“: To produce rain, cloud droplets need to be bigger than ~ 14 µm radius. When there are too many CCN, this radius is not reached and rainfall is suppressed. Therefore: Adding CCN increases cloud lifetime and cloud abundance  Cooling

8 This rain-suppression applies only to "warm" clouds (those not containing ice)
If there is enough latent heat available (tropics) the air will rise and rain-production mechanisms involving ice will take over. The result is a shift in the energy-release from lower levels (warm clouds) to upper levels in the troposphere. Since the tropics are the heat-engines of the atmosphere, this has far-reaching climatic effects!

9 Is there evidence that this is happening?
Wet season data from Amazon basin indicate CCN are very low in “natural” state  “Green Ocean” Dry “smoky” season data show strong increase in CCN due to biomass smoke  More tall convection and lightning  Latent heat release at higher levels

10 Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment over Amazônia
CLAIRE ‘98 Balbina, Amazonas 28 March - 15 April EUSTACH ‘99 Rebio Jaru: forest Nossa Senhora: pasture Rondônia 7 April – 21 May 15 Sept. – 1 Nov. Aircraft Experiment 2 – 14 September

11 Summary of CCN Spectra

12 Clear day Visibility ~ ??? km NCN ~ 500 cm-3 BC ~ 0.2 mg m-3 Smoke haze Visibility ~ 800 m NCN ~ cm-3 BC ~ 7 mg m-3

13 The “Green Ocean”: Maritime clouds over the Amazon
April - the wet and clean time of year: Note the shallow precipitating clouds, extensive warm rainout, glaciation at T>-10oC, and few lightning events VIRS T-Re TRMM VIRS+PR, Amazon, :28

14 Clear day Visibility ~ ??? km NCN ~ 500 cm-3 BC ~ 0.2 mg m-3 Smoke haze Visibility ~ 800 m NCN ~ cm-3 BC ~ 7 mg m-3

15 The “Green Ocean” turns dry: Smoky clouds over the Amazon
September: The Fire Season Note that clouds do not precipitate before reaching height of 6.5 km or –12oC isotherm, while containing ample cloud water. TOMS Aerosol Index 13 September 1998 VIRS+PR, Amazon, 1998 13 SEP 14:15 VIRS T-Re

16 When the “smoky clouds” become Cb, they spark lightning and high Z
VIRS T-Re PR H-Z VIRS+PR, Amazon, :16

17 GCM simulation of the impact of biomass burning in the tropics
on the global circulation in the extra-tropics. (Graf et al., 2000).

18 GCM simulation of the impact of biomass burning in the tropics
on the global circulation in the extra-tropics. (Graf et al., 2000).


20 SMOCC Objectives 1) Make field measurements of aerosol and supporting parameters in the Amazon Basin; 2) chemically characterize the aerosols produced by biomass burning, with particular attention to the organic fraction; 3) determine the link between the aerosol’s chemical/physical properties and its hygroscopic and cloud-nucleating properties; 4) model the effect of biomass burning aerosol on cloud microphysics at the cloud and regional level; 5) investigate the effect of smoke aerosols on climate dynamics and the resulting large-scale climate effects; and 6) use satellite data to detect, validate and quantify the effect of smoke aerosol on cloud properties and precipitation processes.



23 Partner 1 – The Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (MPIC), Mainz, Germany
The role of Partner 1 is: to act as Co-ordinator for the proposed project; to act as Lead Contractor for WP1; to organise and conduct a field experiment in Amazonia, including a ground-based and an aircraft component (WP1); to collect and supply aerosol samples to WP2; to take aerosol measurements during the field campaign, including CCN spectra (WP3), and accompanying data, and provide them to WP3, WP4, and WP6; to analyse aerosol samples by GC-MS and EGA (evolved gas analysis)

24 SMOCC Field Campaign: LBA-CLAIRE-2002
near Ji-Paraná, Rondonia: FNS pasture site INPE Bandeirante 1 Sept. arrival, 7 Sept. fully operational measurements as long as 30 Nov. MPIC, MPI-BGC, USP, Bologna, Lund, Veszprem, Gent, ...

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