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Pixel Art in Microsoft Excel

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1 Pixel Art in Microsoft Excel
3rd Grade 2 sessions

2 Objectives To learn cell referencing in Microsoft Excel
To create a unique image or design using Microsoft Excel

3 Day 1: Introduction & Practice
Key Questions: What is cell referencing? When else would you use this skill? Examples: Project example Handout with directions and reference coordinates Purple T,1 S-T,2 R-T,3 Q-T,4 P-T,5 O-T,6 N-T,7 Green F-T,16 F-T,17 Blue G-T,15 Directions: In order to find out what the image is, you must fill in the referenced cells with the correct color. Let’s see who can figure out the image first!

4 Day 2: Production Engagement: Production: Project example
Other art examples using pixilated style work (Chuck Close) Production: Create a unique image or design in Excel using the cell color tool

5 Evaluation     Improvement Needs
Place a check under a number to score each of the project criteria. Excellent Good Okay 4 3 2 1 Created a unique image or design Used the cell color tool to create art work Was able to read and use cell referencing correctly Completed all work

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