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Deacons ~ diakonos – 65 xs (noun or verb form) Usually translated ~ minister or servant Translated deacon(s) in Phil. 1:1 and 4x in this passage (3x in.

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Presentation on theme: "Deacons ~ diakonos – 65 xs (noun or verb form) Usually translated ~ minister or servant Translated deacon(s) in Phil. 1:1 and 4x in this passage (3x in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deacons ~ diakonos – 65 xs (noun or verb form) Usually translated ~ minister or servant Translated deacon(s) in Phil. 1:1 and 4x in this passage (3x in the NIV) Free of charge

2 Section 3. The Servants. A. Description. A Servant shall be known as anyone who serves in the ministry at Calvary Chapel of OKC. B. Their Ministry. The Servants shall carry on various ministries within the body to meet the physical and/or spiritual needs of the church under the direction of the Pastor, pastoral staff, and elders. C. Their Qualifications. (See I Tim. 3:8-12) 1) Personal qualifications: serious, not double-tongued, not given to drunkenness, and does not pursue dishonest gain. A servant shall realize his responsibility toward those whom he serves is best described in Rom. 14:13-23.

3 Section 3. The Servants. C. Their Qualifications. (See I Tim. 3:8-12) 2) Regarding family: be dedicated to the family as given in Scripture; 3) As to faith: be obedient to the faith; have a mature, tested walk; 4) Must have obviously evidenced a servant's heart toward Jesus Christ and the flock at Calvary Chapel of OKC; 5) Must submit to the work and direction of the leadership of the Board of Ruling Elders; 6) Must be in regular attendance and support this church both spiritually and financially; 7) Must submit to the complete By-laws, amended to date, of Calvary Chapel of OKC, Inc., and ascribe to the Statement of Faith as put forth in those By-laws; 8) Must submit to any other provisions the Board of Elders deem necessary.

4 Section 3. The Servants. 2) The Pastor, pastoral staff or Ruling Elders shall appoint the Servants for an indefinite duration and shall review each appointment regularly or as required. 3) The Servants shall be in regular contact with the Pastor, pastoral staff and elders and shall meet at the discretion of their ministry head. 1) The number of Servants shall be left to the discretion of the Pastor, pastoral staff, and Ruling Elders, according to the needs of the congregation. D. Their Number, Appointment and Organization. 4) The Servants may have their financial needs met through the corporation, thus freeing them from the necessity of outside employment in order to allow them to serve in full time ministry for God at Calvary Chapel.

5 Reverent ~ semnos – august, venerable, revered Translated noble in Phil. 4:8

6 Double-tongued ~ dilogos – two worded

7 Not greedy for money KJV ~ not greedy of filthy lucre NASB ~ not fond of sordid gain NIV ~ not pursuing dishonest gain compound of "disgrace- ful" and "gain" or "profit"

8 When does lucre become filthy? Expositor's Comment- ary: "when a man makes the acquisition of it, rather than the glory of God, his prime object."

9 Wives ~ gunē – 129x woman ; 92x wife NASB – women

10 Slanderers ~ feminine form of diabolos – literally, she-devils

11 KJV ~ have used the office of a deacon well – lit. deaconed NIV, served

12 Eph. 4 ~ 1 I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called…

13 Message ~ This Christian life is a great mystery, far exceeding our understanding, but some things are clear enough…

14 Godli nesskeness Literally, good worship

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