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20.2 Impact of Science on Politics, Law, History, and Religion Intro -Scientific revolution spread interest in science. Curiosity and questioning lead.

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Presentation on theme: "20.2 Impact of Science on Politics, Law, History, and Religion Intro -Scientific revolution spread interest in science. Curiosity and questioning lead."— Presentation transcript:

1 20.2 Impact of Science on Politics, Law, History, and Religion Intro -Scientific revolution spread interest in science. Curiosity and questioning lead to DISCUSSION and experiments. Why is DISCUSSION important? Scientific revolution was supported by Monarchs. How? Support academies, observatories, museums, money for scientists and their books.

2 I. Political Ideas A. If laws govern nature and the universe, then political, economic, and social relations can be explained through REASONED analysis. B. Scientific Method influenced POLITICAL THEORY. C. Define Natural Law – Universal, moral law

3 II. Background to Revolution --English Revolution (1642-1646) and post revolutionary governments into the 1700’s and beyond. ABSOLUTE MONARCHY VS. DEMOCRACY A. Thomas Hobbes (he explains his ideas on natural law and government)

4 1. In his book Leviathan (1651) people lived without what? …government – man is naturally cruel (this is Anarchy or what he called the “state of nature” ) 2. next he believed people should do what? Form an “unwritten social contract” – to agree to give up their rights to a ruler(monarch)

5 3. What was the job of the monarch? Protect, keep peace and order 4. What does he say people do not have the right to do? ….rebel, no matter how unjust

6 B. John Locke 1. Locke and Hobbes were similar because they both believed government was based on … Both based on natural law and social contract 2. Locke was different from Hobbes because he believed in a state of nature that people are what? Reasonable, moral, and have natural rights - explain Natural Rights – belong to all humans at birth. Include life, liberty, and property.

7 3. Two Treatises of Government – why did people create government? To protect natural rights 4. A government functioned best when what happened? Powers were limited and was accepted by all citizens 5. What happens when a government fails its duty? People have right to overthrow

8 6. Locke’s writings and ideas would lay the foundation for what? Declaration of Independence, American Revolution Why was this ironic?

9 III. Reason Influences Law and History A. What did reason do to help the justice system? End unjust trials, less value on hearsay and confessions under torture. B. There is now a focus on REASONABLE LAWS AND MORAL JUSTICE Think of example of an unreasonable law- What do you think moral justice means?

10 C. Summarize the ideas of an International Law – International code based on natural law; one body of rules could reduce the dealings of governments to a system of reason and order Summarize Penn’s beliefs on pacifism and world peace – Opposed violence to settle disputes and advocated an assembly of nations committed to world peace Do we have something like this today?

11 D. Science influenced people to look at History differently. To know the WHAT, WHEN HOW AND WHY IV. Reason influences religion A. People began to question religion B. turn to more secular society – define – C. people become more tolerant of others D. summarize DEISM – Believe in God – but reject organized religion, create simpler/more natural religion based on reason and natural law.

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