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Introduction Trees are a renewable resource Numerous environmental, economic, and cultural benefits Improve our quality of life.

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2 Introduction Trees are a renewable resource Numerous environmental, economic, and cultural benefits Improve our quality of life

3 What trees do Moderate our climate Provide clean water Provide fresh air Homes for wildlife Beauty Recreation Provide jobs, wood products Quiet places to observe nature

4 Forests constantly change Swift change Fire Ice Wind Timber harvest

5 Forests also change slowly Succession Climate change

6 Virginia Forests Hardwood forest covers over 20% of the total forest of VA If left undisturbed, most if not all of VA would be forested We have at least 3 tree harvests in most areas Only a few remote areas still have virgin forest Pines are mostly pioneer species

7 Tree Identification 101 Trees can be identified in a variety of ways Parts, types and position of leaves Shape of leaves Types of buds Types of leaf margins Types of flowers Types of fruits

8 Conifers aka Gymnosperms Have needles not leaves Photosynthesize all year long Are very flexible to withstand heavy snowfall

9 Deciduous trees Lose leaves in fall Go dormant during the winter Actively grow spring, summer, fall Adaptations for life in the temperate zone

10 Simple versus compound

11 Pinnate versus palmate

12 Opposite versus alternate

13 Smooth versus toothed margins

14 Identify common trees at BRHS For each tree use the tree guides Cut out the tree picture and paste it in your nature journal Identify the tree by its common name Identify its habitat Height at maturity One interesting fact about the tree

15 Green Ash

16 Eastern red cedar

17 Red bud

18 Red mulberry

19 Eastern white pine

20 Black locust

21 Sweet gum

22 Red maple

23 Sugar maple

24 Pin oak

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