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 Enhanced Graphics Using GGPLOT2 in R Paul Sabin March 23rd & 24th, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: " Enhanced Graphics Using GGPLOT2 in R Paul Sabin March 23rd & 24th, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1  Enhanced Graphics Using GGPLOT2 in R Paul Sabin March 23rd & 24th, 2015

2 About the Author  Graduate Student  BS, MS in Statistics, BYU  BA in French, BYU  LISA Collaborator  Sports Enthousiast

3 About L aboratory for I nterdisciplinary S tatistical A nalysis  Free Collaboration  Experimental Design, Data Analysis, Software Help, Interpreting Results, Grant Proposals  Free Walk-In Consulting for quick statistics questions  M-F 1-3 PM in 103 OSB  T,Th,F 10-Noon in GLC  W 10-Noon in 403-J Hutcheson Hall  Free Short Courses  R tutorial; Structural Equation Modeling; Plotting Data

4 Requesting a LISA Meeting  Go to  Click link for “Collaboration Request Form”  Sign into the website using VT PID and password  Enter your information  Email, college, etc.  Describe your project (project title, research goals, specific research questions, if you have already collected data, special requests, etc.)  Contact assigned LISA collaborators as soon as possible to schedule a meeting

5 Course Outline  QPLOT() Function  Layer Based Graphics  Pros and Cons of GGPLOT

6 Purpose of GGPLOT GGPLOT was created to make building plots in R easier. It uses the science of aesthetics to easily make plots that are much more aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

7 QPLOT() The qplot() function in the GGPLOT2 package is made to work similarly to the plot() function in R. Code

8 Layer Based Graphics  GGPLOT uses “layers” to build graphics  Drug in medical experiment  Settings on machine producing tires  Different types of political advertising to encourage voting  Think of it as a linear equation to building plots  First, tell it where the data come from  Second, tell it what kind of graph you want and how to group the data  Third, customize the graphs other features (Title, axis, etc.)

9 Pros & Cons of GGPLOT  Hard to customize certain features  Background grey  Grouping colors  Pro: The grouped colors will never look bad, just aren’t always customized.

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