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Presentation to the International Ice Charting Working Group VI 26 October, 2005 C. Douglas O’Brien Timothy V. Evangelatos Ice In ECDIS (Reaching out to.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to the International Ice Charting Working Group VI 26 October, 2005 C. Douglas O’Brien Timothy V. Evangelatos Ice In ECDIS (Reaching out to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to the International Ice Charting Working Group VI 26 October, 2005 C. Douglas O’Brien Timothy V. Evangelatos Ice In ECDIS (Reaching out to our marine users)


3 Ice In ECDIS - Overview  ECDIS and its Potential for Safer Navigation  Vision for “Ice In ECDIS” and its History  Base Standards incorporating Ice Objects  Status of Ice Objects/Registry  Authority for Ice Objects  Conclusions and Recommendations  Future Steps

4 ECDIS and its Potential for Safer Navigation  Marine Electronic Highway (MEH)  Power of ECDIS lays in integration of databases  Delivering INTERNET onboard at low cost is key Organize bridge for real time information  Optimize use of smart data in an enhanced “intelligent” marine transportation system for safer navigation, environmental protection and marine transportation efficiency per Captain John Pace, Ice In ECDIS, June 2000

5 ENC – Electronic Navigational Chart St Lawrence River Area Canadian Hydrographic Service

6 ENC – Electronic Navigational Chart US National Ocean Service

7 CCG Notice to Mariners CIS Ice info ECDIS updates Tide info Currents FINAL PRODUCT DELIVERY CHS Used with permission from Dr. Ahmed Elrabbany

8 Ice In ECDIS Vision  In the far northern and southern hemispheres ice is a major factor in safe navigation and the integration of real time or near real-time ice information into ECDIS is an important and natural step.  To achieve this vision one primary requirement is the development of an ICE feature data dictionary to work with ECDIS.

9 Ice In ECDIS - History  1992 – Workshop: S57 Object Catalogue - Ottawa  1995 Workshop: Standards for Ice Information in ECDIS - Ottawa Draft Ice Object Catalogue, Version 1.0Draft Ice Object Catalogue, Version 1.0  1996 Workshop: ECDIS in Ice Navigation – Hamburg Ice Object Catalogue, Version 2.0Ice Object Catalogue, Version 2.0  1999 The ECDIS Ice Chart Project, SevenCs AG & Co.  2000 Ice In ECDIS Workshop – St. John’s, NFLD Ice Object Catalogue, Version 3.0Ice Object Catalogue, Version 3.0  2002 Integration of Sea Ice into ECDIS, University of New Brunswick Project  2004 DGIWG develops structure for Feature Data Dictionary Register (Draft)  2005 IHO Ice Registry (Draft) After many years of effort an ICE Feature Data Dictionary is now available as a register compatible with IHO and others


11 Why Registers and Registries? … and then leveraging technology -- a means to the ends, not an end … and then leveraging technology -- a means to the ends, not an end Change management model, develop better tools, improve access Use source referencing and compound registers to “pull them together Use source referencing and compound registers to “pull them together” Layered family of registers with “downward” dependencies & “upward” reuse  Fundamentally, a register is little more than a managed list which assists in defining and implementing good business practices –Objective is to rethink what we currently do, why we do it, and … how we’d rather be doing it  Three major business problems –Content update/release is slow  Cycle time must be in weeks, not months/years –There will be more than one “domain” data dictionary  E.g., feature data dictionaries DGIWG FADD, & military profiles of FADD S57 Feature Object Data Dictionary, ICAO aeronautical features, environmental features, etc. –Concepts may come from multiple sources and be managed by different authorities –Problem is multi-level; bigger than a “base level” catalogue  Consider features and attributes: –Need feature data dictionaries for definitions, feature catalogues to bind features and attributes to support product specifications (and/or feature information content specifications) –And mappings between different feature catalogues/data product specifications to allow for interworking

12 Registr(ies) Model is ISO based ISO/TC 211 conformant registr(ies) Feature Data Dictionaries ISO 19126 DGIWG FDD registry IHO compound FDD ICAO registry DGIWG FADD, S-57, ICE, ICAO, AML Feature Catalogs ISO 19126 MGCP Feature Catalogue DGIWG Feature Catalogue ECDIS Feature Catalogue ICAO Feature Catalogue AML Feature Catalogue MGCP Product Spec DGIWG Products ECDIS Product Spec ICAO Product Spec AML product Specs    Purpose Populated & Operational Registry Content Register Model Content Information Model  Register Information Model Portrayal Catalogs GeoSym S-52 EMS/HLS OOB (2525B) GeoSym S-52 EMS ISO 19117     ISO 19110 ISO 19126 TBD ISO 19135 Procedures for the Registration of Geographic Information ++ * Note: MGCP is the military Multinational Geospatial Co Production project

13 Registry Management  Registry Owner: –Primary responsibility for the management, dissemination and intellectual content of the registry  Registry User: –Any person or organization interested in accessing or influences the content of the register  Registry Manager: –Responsible for the administration of the registry content. Follows ISO 19135…… A Registry is the system that supports the Register IHO will establish a compound register that may contain multiple registers for different domains in one registry. This will include ICE features and attributes.

14 14 ISO 19110, 19135, 19126 A single information model A single management mechanism A common cross-community technical realization ISO 19110, 19135, 19126 A single information model A single management mechanism A common cross-community technical realization Aeronautical FDD Registry FAA Register ICAO Register Eurocontrol/AIXM Register Hydrographic & Littoral FDD Registry S-57 Register ICE Register AML Register OEF Register Meteorology & Oceanographic FDD Registry JMBL Register NOAA Register Other Organizations FDD Registry Register Standards-based Geo- feature Registries




18 More

19 Ice Coverage Type - Attributes continued

20 Roles and Responsibilities ETSI ESTI-WG ETSI Client s Ice and Hydro charting communities ETSI Designate Same Registry Manager as IHO IHO Registry Management

21 ISO 19135 –Roles and responsibilities in register management –Register management process –Extensible UML schema  Simple, multi-part, hierarchical structures  Cultural and linguistic adaptability  Unique, non-reusable register identifiers –Item lifecycle  Proposed, Valid (Clarified), Amended (Superceded, Retired) Specifies procedures to be followed in establishing, maintaining, and publishing registers of unique, unambiguous and permanent identifiers and meanings that are assigned to items of geographic information Procedures for registration of items of geographic information

22 ISO 19110 –IHO ECDIS feature catalogue (per S-57) complies with this ISO standard. –ICE features can be used with S-57 features to build compliant feature catalogues. Defines the methodology for cataloguing feature types; specifies how the classification of feature types is organized into a feature catalogue and presented to the users of a set of geographic data. Methodology for feature cataloguing

23 Registry Implementation  General approach: –Schemas engineered in UML (Rational Rose) –Prototype implementations in relational DBMS  MS Access, Oracle, MySQL  Feature data dictionary registries –multi part for DGIWG (DGIWG products) –4+ part for IHO (S57, OEF, ICE, AML) –Coordinated prototypes completed in Spring ’05  Based on 19135 DIS and 19126 CD  Focus on content and management interfaces –External interfaces are currently (file) report-based  Future: –XML-based content encoding (for interchange) –Services-interface?

24 International Ice Services Organizations  JCOMM 1 Expert Team on Sea Ice (ETSI) –11 Countries (Both Hemispheres) –Formerly a sub-group of the WMO, and recognized as the body responsible for international ice information standards –Proposed as the owner of the Ice Objects Register 2 –Next Meeting in Halifax, Canada, October 2005.  International Ice Charting WG (IICWG) –10 Member Countries (N. Hemisphere); overlap with ETSI –Ad-hoc WG to coordinate data/product exchange, operational procedures, training, forecasting, R&D –Makes recommendations on standards to ETSI  Baltic Sea Ice Meeting (BSIM)  Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank  North American Ice Service –Canadian Ice Service, U.S. National Ice Center, Int’l Ice Patrol  And Others…. 1 Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology 2 Reference 10

25 Approval of ICE Register  Content of ICE Register presented to the JCOMM Expert Team on Sea Ice (ETSI  Content will be reviewed by the ETSI team. Deadline for comments to be set at the ETSI meeting.  Comments on the ICE register prepared by the TSMAD in spring 2004 were primarily editorial or related to integration with S-57 objects and have already been included in the register.  ICE Catalogue document V 3 has not been updated yet awaiting review of the register and a single baseline document will be prepared when the register is reviewed by the Ice Committee. (differences are primarily editorial)  The draft implementation of the ICE register has been mounted by the UKHO at

26 Conclusions and Recommendations  The technology to produce and view ice objects exists (e.g. CARIS (GIS) and OSL (ECDIS)).  The Ice Object and Presentation Specifications exist (e.g. IHO and AML).  Promote the Ice Object Registry.  Encourage/Help National Ice Services to use/expand the Ice Registry  Develop a Demonstration Project –Baltic Sea or St. Lawrence River? (Ice already planned to be a minor part of the lower St Lawrence integrated chart project) –How to Kick start? (Military and/or Coast Guard support)

27 References 1. "Workshop on International Standards for Ice Information in ECDIS," June 27- 29, 1995, Canadian Hydrographic Service, Ottawa, Canada. 2. “Workshop on the Use of ECDIS in Ice Navigation,” May 1996, DHI, Hamburg, Germany. 3. “Ice information in ECDIS,” Wolf Scheuermann et al, SevenCs, January 1999. 4. “Ice in ECDIS Workshop,” June 3,4, 2000, St. John’s, Canada. 5. “ECDIS Ice Objects, Version 3.0,” Canadian Ice Service, March 2001. 6. “Analysis of the Ice Catalogue 3.0,” Paul Birkel, MITRE, Unpublished Report, October 2003. 7. “On the Integration of Sea Ice Information into ECDIS,” S. Diarbakerly et al, FIG XXII International Congress, 2002. 8. “A Model for Automatic Integration of Ice Information into the ENC,” A. El- Rabbany et al, IHO Review, April 2004. 9. Draft IHO Ice Data Registry, 10. “Final Report No. 30, Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology 10. “Final Report No. 30, Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) Meeting,” Toulouse, May 2004. Paragraph 3.21 11. “The Electronic Chart: Functions, Potential and Limitations of a New Marine Navigation System,” Horst Hecht/ Bernhard Berking/ Gert Büttgenbach/ Mathias Jonas/ Lee Alexander

28 For more Information C. Douglas O’Brien, IDON Technologies Inc. Timothy V. Evangelatos, Terraqueous Technologies Acknowledgement: The authors would like to thank the Canadian Hydrographic Service for their support in preparing this presentation.

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