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Taking a Leap for Students: Committing to Full Implementation of Scale DREAM CONFERENCE FEBRUARY 7, 2013 ANEHEIM CALIFORNIA.

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Presentation on theme: "Taking a Leap for Students: Committing to Full Implementation of Scale DREAM CONFERENCE FEBRUARY 7, 2013 ANEHEIM CALIFORNIA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taking a Leap for Students: Committing to Full Implementation of Scale DREAM CONFERENCE FEBRUARY 7, 2013 ANEHEIM CALIFORNIA

2 San Jacinto College O Dr. Laurel V. Williamson O Vice Chancellor for Learning & Student Success O Dr. Rebecca Goosen O Associate Vice Chancellor for College Preparatory

3 San Jacinto College Vision and Mission Vision. San Jacinto College will be the leader in educational excellence and in the achievement of equity among diverse populations. We will empower students to achieve their goals, redefine their expectations, and encourage their exploration of new opportunities. Our passions are people, learning, innovation, and continuous improvement. Mission. Our mission is to ensure student success, create seamless transitions, and enrich the quality of life in the communities we serve.

4 San Jacinto College Established 1962 Serving over 30,000 and seven ISDs O Central Campus 4212 College Prep Students O North Campus 3536 College Prep Students O South Campus 4302 College Prep Students

5 How Great Was the Challenge? O FTIC Growth O Fall 2008 4,793 to Fall 2012 5,524 O College Preparatory O Fall 2011 enrollments O MATH 6161 O READ 1911 O ENGL 1485 O GUST 3093

6 Intentional Engagement for Students, Faculty, and Staff O Leadership: Board of Trustees and College Administration O Culture of Evidence O Professional Development: Understanding How Each Employee Affects Student Success O Hard Decisions for Great Results

7 Where We Began A-C Success Rates for first courses college prep math: 39.6% college prep writing: 46.5% college level math: 52.2% college level English: 61.5% FTIC fall-to-spring persistence: 70.2% FTIC fall-to-fall persistence: 50.1% 3-year graduation: 9.7% 1-year certificate completion: 11.2% 7

8 A New Strategic Plan: Five Assumptions O One-College Approach: the art of practicing consistency and flexibility O Resources: support where it is needed O Institutional Research: areas of success and development O Technologies and Facilities: changing systems and functionality to support student success O Communication: a message and a shared vision 8

9 Leadership Role in Implementation 1.Hard (courageous) conversations 2.Broad engagement 3.Data informed 4.Decisions – nibbles vs. big bites 5.Sense of urgency 6.Plan, Do, Check, Act 7.Communication 8.Report back 9

10 Culture of Evidence O Ensure the data are accurate O Use quantitative and qualitative data O Measure what you want to change O Disseminate data widely O Understand data at institutional level, program/course level, and student level O Hold people accountable for results 10

11 What have we scaled? O No Late Registration O Mandatory Orientation O Reading First O Integrated Reading/Writing O Student Success Course O Course Redesign

12 Data of Scale O No Late Registration O ALL students enrolling at SJC O + 30,000 students O Mandatory Orientation O 8,712 Students O Reading First O Applied to all College Preparatory enrollees

13 O Integrated Reading/Writing O 2150 students enrolled fall 2012 O Student Success Course O GUST scaled from 1,500 to 3,000 fall 2011 O EDUC/PSYC 8,845 in fall 2012 O Course Redesign O Mathematics O NCBO O Intentional Connections

14 Process of Scale O What is the goal of taking a project to scale O What benefit (goal) will there be for students O Acknowledge who needs to be included in the process

15 Key Players O Registrar O State Reporting System O Student Registration System O Student Development/Enrollment O Testing/Financial Aid/Business Office O Administration O Faculty/Staff O Students

16 Suggestions O Start Small with Receptive Programs O Mandate with No Exceptions O Train Everyone At the College O Disseminate information systematically O Change TSI Rules as you Proceed O Have a Heart

17 Supports to the Change O Calling Program O Peer Partners O Advising Triage O Hit the Hallways O Educational Plans O Faculty Advising O Working Families Center O Men of Honor O Vertical Alignment Teams O Data Reports/Teams O Degree Review O Prerequisites O Professional Development

18 Next Ups O Scaling Mathematics Redesigns Further O Intentional Connections District Wide O Community Outreach for ESOL/ABE/Marketable Skills/Continuous Professional Development Programs O Non Course Based Options (NCBO)/Test Prep

19 Template for Change O Preparation O Goal, needs assessment, target participants O Communication O Engaging key personnel O Commitment O Allocation of resources O Professional Development O Evaluate and allocate adequate O Evaluation & continuous improvement

20 Where We Are Now ThenNow A-C Success Rates for first courses college prep math: 39.6%48.4% college prep writing: 46.5%58.2% college level math: 52.2%45.6% college level English: 61.5%60.3% FTIC fall-to-spring persistence: 70.2% 78.4% FTIC fall-to-fall persistence: 50.1%52.8% 3-year graduation: 9.7% 13.2% 1-year certificate completion: 11.2% 9.5%

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