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Report to Professional Council June 4, 2009 By Carla Boone Planning Council: A New Way of Doing Business at COM.

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Presentation on theme: "Report to Professional Council June 4, 2009 By Carla Boone Planning Council: A New Way of Doing Business at COM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report to Professional Council June 4, 2009 By Carla Boone Planning Council: A New Way of Doing Business at COM

2 Disclaimer All information provided in this presentation is in draft form— nothing is final. This information is presented to the Professional Council with the purpose of informing the Council of discussions and initial planning concepts that are very preliminary. This information is an accumulation of notes I made during the Planning Council workshops and Dr. Carroll’s presentation. For any staff member to take this information and try to present as “gospel” would be inaccurate and not aligned with the intent of the presentation.

3 What is the Planning Council? A leadership group, appointed by the President, who are to reach a “point of consensus” A systematic or holistic approach to planning, looking at goals, initiatives, and budget Institutional process rather than departmental process Looks at what is best for the college overall

4 Alignment… College Mission Mission College of the Mainland is a learning-centered, comprehensive community college dedicated to student success and the intellectual and economic prosperity of the diverse communities we serve. College of the Mainland is a learning-centered, comprehensive community college dedicated to student success and the intellectual and economic prosperity of the diverse communities we serve.

5 Alignment… College Vision College of the Mainland will be a valued and vital community partner by striving to enrich our expanding community and preparing our students to learn, work, and live in a diverse, dynamic, and global environment.

6 Alignment… College Institutional Goals 1.Increase enrollment and improve students' attainment of their educational goals. 2.Implement and utilize viable evaluation systems that improve employee performance and demonstrate accountability. 3.Increase under-represented populations and the diversity of our students and employees to reflect our service area. 4.Exemplify an open and friendly environment that will increase mutual respect, civility, and integrity among students, staff, faculty and administrators. 5.Increase community and campus collaboration in order to maximize communication and institutional effectiveness. 6.Use innovation and adaptability to better serve the educational needs of our campus and community.

7 Alignment… College Values Student Success and Academic Excellence Continuous Improvement and Accountability Mutual Respect, Civility, and Integrity Diversity and Inclusiveness Innovation and Adaptability Campus and Community Collaboration

8 Planning Council Charge The charge of the Planning Council is to actively participate in a collaborative, thoughtful deliberation and transparent planning process that leads to data informed recommendations to the college president’s cabinet that are in the best interest of the college community. The process will ensure that the college is meetings its mission, moving toward its vision, while embracing its values.

9 Composition 50% faculty ½ selected by the President ½ recommended by Faculty Senate Constituent Heads* and 1 representative Committee Co-Chairs All members are appointed by the President. * SGA, Faculty Senate, Professional Council, Classified Council

10 Purpose To provide an opportunity for shared management and leadership To develop planning assumptions To review proposals from PC Committees To synthesize and prioritize the committee’s proposals and make recommendations to the President and Cabinet.

11 Guiding Principals Institutional Strategic Plan Three year “rolling plan” Institutional Annual Plan Other Plans may be included in final version of “guiding principals” Diversity Plan Technology Plan Facilities Plan Master Plan Etc.

12 Roles of PC Members Attend PC Meetings Develop understanding of planning assumptions and challenges Participate in establishing budget priorities Think and act globally (the whole college) Communicate PC activities to college community Encourage others to attend PC meetings

13 Committees Teaching and Learning Administrative Unit Review/Operational Effectiveness & Accountability Instructional Program Review Diversity Enrollment & Student Support Human & Organizational Development Technology & Educational Resources Institutional Advancement Strategic Planning & Assessment

14 Purpose and Function of PC Committees Through a planning process, develop proposals for the PC The planning process Review and analyze existing functions, conditions, etc. Review planning assumptions, trends, opportunities and restraints Develop recommendations (proposals) for improvement All committee members are appointed by the President

15 Committee Charges Strategic Planning & Assessment Under the direction of the Planning Council, the Strategic Planning and Assessment Committee will study, analyze, and make recommendations to the Council regarding the strategic and annual planning goals and assessment processes to support and enhance institutional effectiveness.

16 Example of Preliminary Planning Assumptions and Focus New funding for initiatives will be limited or non-existence The college may face additional funding reductions. Focus—Keys to institutional sustainability: Enrollment Retention Student Success Increased efficiencies Investment in human resources

17 Example of Planning Challenges Finances Demographics Enrollment Competition Pedagogy Human Resources Physical Resources

18 Example of Planning Challenges Finances Demographics Enrollment Competition Pedagogy Human Resources Physical Resources

19 When it all works… Broad Perspective Inputs Annual & Budget Plan Based on Priorities

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