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University of Leicester Year 1 Psychology Learning and Memory Professor Graham Davies Lecture 1 Copies of overheads Classical Conditioning.

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1 University of Leicester Year 1 Psychology Learning and Memory Professor Graham Davies Lecture 1 Copies of overheads Classical Conditioning

2 Ivan Pavlov (1849 – 1936) Extinction Spontaneous recovery Generalisation Discrimination

3 Terminology Meat powder = unconditioned stimulus (UCS) Salivation = unconditioned response (UCR) Bell/tone = conditioned stimulus (CS) Salivation to = conditioned response bell tone (CR)

4 The stages of classical conditioning TIMESTIMULUSRESPONSE Before C.C. UCS (meat powder)  UCR presented alone(Salivation) CS (bell) presented  No response alone During C.C.UCS (meat) +  Salivation CS (bell) presented together Following C.C.CS (bell)  CR presented alone(Salivation)

5 Applications of conditioning Personality theory - introverts and extroverts (Eysenck) Neuroses - Phobias – ‘Little Albert’ (Watson & Raynor, 1920) Systematic Desensitisation – -‘Little Peter’ (Jones, 1924)

6 Conditioning in Action Dog phobias Chemotherapy patients

7 Mechanistic assumptions of conditioning Conditioning is a gradual process Temporal contiguity is essential Any stimulus can be conditioned to any response All have been challenged

8 Garcia & Koelling (1966) Prior: saccharin  ingest Experiment: saccharin  nausea + noise (several hours later) + light Post-experiment: saccharin  disgust & rejection plain water  ingest + noise + light

9 Conditioning and Animal Behaviour Biological preparedness (primacy of taste) Biological adaptiveness (behaviour of wild rats) Subtle interaction of learned and instinctive behaviour (implications for other forms of learning)

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