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Jesus of NazarethJesus of Nazareth  6 A.D. the Romans conquer the Jewish kingdom of Judea  Jews there believe that a savior known as the Messiah would.

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2 Jesus of NazarethJesus of Nazareth  6 A.D. the Romans conquer the Jewish kingdom of Judea  Jews there believe that a savior known as the Messiah would arrive to return the kingdom to the Jews  Around the same time a Jew named Jesus was born in Bethlehem, some Jews would soon refer to as the Messiah

3 Jesus of Nazareth  Born in Bethlehem between 6-4 B.C.E  Raised in Nazareth, Northern Palestine  Took up carpentry  Around age 30 began his teachings  Teachings similar to Jewish faith; monotheism, Ten Commandments

4 Jesus of NazarethJesus of Nazareth  Each town he went to Jesus gained more fame  He renounces wealth and possessions, making his message especially strong with the poor  “blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth”  Most of what we know about Jesus comes from the Gospels, first four books of the Bible.  Written by 12 followers of Jesus, or apostles

5 Jesus’ DeathJesus’ Death  His growing popularity concerned both Jewish and Roman leaders  When Jesus came to Jerusalem in 29 A.D. many greeted him as the Messiah  However; the top Jewish priests denied he was the Messiah and called his teachings blasphemy  Roman Governor Pontius Pilate arrest Jesus for defying Roman authority and sentenced him to crucifixion

6 Jesus’ DeathJesus’ Death  After his death Jesus was placed in a tomb  According to legend 3 days later his body was gone, and a living Jesus appeared to his followers  The Gospels then go on to say that he ascended into heaven  More convinced then ever that Jesus was the Messiah, he takes on the name Jesus Christ  Christ meaning “messiah” or savior in Greek, and Christianity was born.

7 Christianity SpreadsChristianity Spreads  Paul the Apostle  Jew who was an enemy of Christianity  Had a vision of Jesus while traveling to Damascus  Spent rest of his life teaching the words of Jesus  Pax Romana made the exchange of ideas relatively safe  Christianity welcomed all converts, giving it much greater universality

8 Persecution of the Christians  Christians challenge Roman authority  Refuse to worship Roman Gods  As Pax Romana ended the persecution of the Christians intensified  Romans exiled, imprisoned, or executed the Christians for not worshiping Roman gods  Crucified, burned or killed by wild animals

9 Christian AppealChristian Appeal  Even with the persecution of the Christians by the 3 rd Century A.D. there were millions of Christians in Rome  Widespread Appeal due to:  1) embraced all people  2) gave hope to the powerless  3) appealed to those repelled by extravagances by Rome  4) Personal relationship with loving God  5) promised eternal life after death

10 Constantine and Christianity  312 A.D. Emperor Constantine was going to battle when he prayed for help….  He had a vision of a cross; symbol of Christianity  He had a cross painted on his soldiers shields  When he won the battle he gave credit to Christianity  313 A.D. Constantine ended Christian persecution and in the Edict of Milan made Christianity a religion of Rome  380 A.D. emperor Theodosius made it the official religion of Rome.

11 Christianity OrganizesChristianity Organizes Priests Bishops Bishop of Rome (Pope)

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