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Workshop on EU regulations concerning statistical returns in respect of the carriage of passengers, freight and mail by air Belgrade, October - November.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop on EU regulations concerning statistical returns in respect of the carriage of passengers, freight and mail by air Belgrade, October - November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on EU regulations concerning statistical returns in respect of the carriage of passengers, freight and mail by air Belgrade, October - November 2012

2 “Sharing of experience of countries in the region about the application of the regulation”

3 Single Sky the bilateral agreements that are not in line with EU law, most importantly, the freedom of establishment which derives from the EU Treaties need to be amended to ensure legal certainty and to put all EU airlines on an equal footing for flights to countries outside the EU; the EU is working to develop a Common Aviation Area with neighboring countries to the South, South-East and East of the EU; the EU is negotiating comprehensive agreements to integrate the EU aviation market with those of its key international partners; A horizontal agreement between Serbia and the EC was signed on 5 May 2006; Serbia is a signatory to the European Common Aviation Area (ECAA) agreement.



6 Other air regional initiatives

7 Implementation of the regulation in the region Regulation 437/2003 applies directly and in its entirety to all Member States; Respect of legal obligations; Burden of the implementation and regular data provision for the reporting countries; Data collection, compilation and validation process; Methodological guidance; Data transmission and validation; Improvements: –Short term developments; –Long term developments: reduction on the data transmission period to five months after the end of the period of observation; Extension of the geographical coverage.

8 Implementation of the regulation in the region – Bulgarian experience obligations of the Republic of Bulgaria to provide statistical information on air transport; Methodological requirements; Ordinance 08-20 of 14/01/1999 RD on the collection of statistical information on civil aviation in Bulgaria; Statistical studies in civil aviation; Eurostat PHARE - "Improving the quality of statistics on the carriage of passengers, freight and mail by air - Statistics on air transport“; national legislative and methodological organization for the entire statistical process.

9 ФО РМ А Отч етн а год ина Отч ете н пер иод Отч етн о лет ищ е Предшестващо/С ледващо летище Пристиг ащи/ Замина ващи Редов ни/ Неред овни прево зи Пътнич ески / само товарн и или споща превоз и Авиоком пания Ти п В С Прев озени пътни ци Прев озени товар и и поща Търго вски полет и Разполаг аеми пътникок ресла A10901 LB WNLOWW111AUA B7 364401111 A10901 LB WNLOWW111AUA C RJ 21720,1815250 A10901 LB WNLOWW211AUA C RJ 21700,1185250 A10901 LB WNLOWW111AUA D H8 D9620,543221584 A10901 LB WNLOWW211AUA D H8 D10050,492221584 A10901 LB WNLOWW111AUA F1 006601105 A10901 LB WNLOWW211AUA F1 00660,0011105 A10901 LB WNEGKK111BAW B7 347131,268131872 A10901 LB WNEGKK211BAW B7 3412480,817131872 A10901 LB WNLBSF111LER A3 2018750173060 A10901 LB WNLBSF211LER A3 2021090183240

10 ФОРМ А Отчет на година Отчет ен перио д Отчет но летищ е Начале н/ Краен пункт на полета Пристигащи / Заминаващ и Редовни/ Нередовн и превози Пътнически / само товарни или с поща превози Авиокомпан ия Превозен и пътници Превозен и товари и поща B10901LBWNEBBR221LZB1260 B10901LBWNEGKK111BAW7131,268 B10901LBWNEGKK111LZB1780,015 B10901LBWNEGKK211BAW12480,817 B10901LBWNEGKK211LZB5570 B10901LBWNHECA121LZB770 B10901LBWNHEGN121LZB1310 - Form B1

11 ФОРМА Отчетна година Отчетен период Отчетно летище Авиокомпани я Превозе ни пътници Транзитни пътници Превозе ни товари и поща Самолет о- движени я Общо самолето - движени я C10901LBWNAUA248571,33558 C10901LBWNBAW196102,08526 C10901LBWNLER39840045 C10901LBWNLZB8191561,859191202 C10901LBWNLZR2400015 C10901LBWNMAH263200,18660 Form C1

12 George Popov Ministry of Transport, Information technology and communications Republic of Bulgaria Thank you for your kind attention !

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