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14-19 education and skills 14-19 Diplomas and curriculum change 14-19 Reforms.

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1 14-19 education and skills 14-19 Diplomas and curriculum change 14-19 Reforms

2 working together to deliver the 14-19 education and skills programme 14-19 education and skills Age stage 0-11 11-19WorkforceHE OECD ranking Post-16 participation rate Proportion of workforce with skills above Level 2 Research output and impact Proportion of 4 year-olds enrolled in education 10 year old reading and literacy 15 year old mathematics and literacy 3 7 20 18 2 4 Survival rate on academic courses 2 - 6 14-19 education is one of the weakest parts of our system

3 working together to deliver the 14-19 education and skills programme 14-19 education and skills The changes include: A-levels Introduction of extended project Introduction of Diplomas Functional skills Apprenticeships GCSE

4 working together to deliver the 14-19 education and skills programme 14-19 education and skills Changes to GCE AS/A Levels Reduction of the number of units from six to four in most subjects Introduction of A* The inclusion of coursework only where it is the most valid way of assessing an aspect of the subject No optional coursework Revisions of content where appropriate Stretch and challenge incorporated into A2 units No structural changes to mathematics (new approaches to be piloted) and the applied A levels

5 working together to deliver the 14-19 education and skills programme 14-19 education and skills Extended Project Integral component of Diplomas, optional at GCE level Will be part of the total entitlement for all students by 2013 Will be approximately equal to half an A-level in size The outcome can be: –A dissertation presenting an argument –An investigation/field study –A performance –An artefact Should provide evidence for assessment of some or all of the wider personal, learning and thinking skills

6 working together to deliver the 14-19 education and skills programme 14-19 education and skills Functional Skills and GCSEs Functional Skills in maths, English & ICT Pilots from September 2007 until June 2010 Combined with GCSEs and stand alone quals Part of Diplomas, Apprenticeships and GCSE programmes

7 working together to deliver the 14-19 education and skills programme 14-19 education and skills The Diploma (1) A different type of qualification It is not just a vocational qualification 14 different Diplomas at levels 1,2,3 Sector themes Education not training Employability for life (not jobs for life)

8 working together to deliver the 14-19 education and skills programme 14-19 education and skills The Diploma (2) Aims to deliver a blend of sector and general learning to learners aged 14-19 within applied settings and contexts A composite qualification – credit and unit based Incorporates functional skills and personal, learning and thinking skills Collaborative development and collaborative delivery

9 working together to deliver the 14-19 education and skills programme 14-19 education and skills The Diploma (3) 50% principal learning 30% additional and/or specialist learning 20% generic learning Functional skills at Level 2 Approx size of a 3 A-level programme 2 year programme Progression award: –Approx size of 2 A-levels –Generic and principal learning only

10 working together to deliver the 14-19 education and skills programme 14-19 education and skills Diplomas with purpose Develop the knowledge and skills needed to progress into employment, training or further or higher education. Achieve the target (set in the White Paper on 14-19 education) of 90% of 17 year-olds in full- time education or training. Help increase the percentage of young people who achieve level 2 and 3 qualifications. Improve the quality and recognition of qualifications in applied subjects

11 working together to deliver the 14-19 education and skills programme 14-19 education and skills Developing Diplomas – a partnership DDPs (Diploma Development Partnerships) Schools, Colleges, work-based learning providers and partnerships Higher Education QCA Awarding Bodies Learners Department for Education and Skills Skills for Business Network

12 working together to deliver the 14-19 education and skills programme 14-19 education and skills Roll out timetable PhaseLine of LearningAvailability Phase 1IT Engineering Construction and the Built Environment Society, Health and Development Creative and Media September 2008 Phase 2Environmental and Land-based Studies Manufacturing and Product Design Hospitality and Catering Health and Beauty Business, Administration and Finance September 2009 Phase 3Travel and Tourism Public Services Retail Sport and Leisure September 2010

13 working together to deliver the 14-19 education and skills programme 14-19 education and skills Diploma roll out Three phases each in pilot for three years Full entitlement from 2013 Start small – build up Gateway ensures highest quality delivery partnerships go first In September 2008, 145 consortia across 97 local authorities (2/3 total) Engineering (60), Creative and Media (62), IT (45), Construction & the Built Environment (44), Society, Health and Development (39)

14 working together to deliver the 14-19 education and skills programme 14-19 education and skills Discussion points What will the 14-19 reforms mean for: –Admissions policies –Undergraduate curricula

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