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Functional Skills Training Day 1 11 th September 2007.

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1 Functional Skills Training Day 1 11 th September 2007

2 We are Tessa Ford Maths Consultant Lindsey Thomas English Consultant Jane Everton 14-19 Consultant Andrew Dumas ICT Consultant

3 Our Role Secondary National Strategy and Quality Improvement Agency have the responsibility for delivering Functional Skills Training to pilot centres.

4 Functional Skills Pilot To Pilot –Draft Standards –Planning and delivering FS –Assessment

5 The pilot 1000 centres. Diploma Gateway centres, plus centres recruited by awarding bodies. Range of settings – schools, colleges, adult learning, work-based, prisons, etc. Functional skills with GCSE, stand-alone, and (from 2008) in the Specialised Diplomas.

6 Aims of Sessions To give you a chance to: –Understand the draft standards in English, maths and ICT –Appreciate the reasons for the introduction of FS and what it is hoped to achieve –Recognise the links between the three functional skills –Consider ways to deliver them and start planning for delivery –Identify implications for management/organisation in school

7 Audience SLT, teachers of English, Maths, and ICT Pilot Centres: specialised diploma consortia and exam board pilot centres Interested schools Potentially, prison service, work place learning, etc

8 Outline of Days Day 1 – mostly subject groups – getting to know the standards Day 2 – focus on planning for delivery in centres

9 Programme Day 1 SessionTitle 1 9.30 – 11.00 Introduction - background, drivers for the introduction of functional skills, and overview of the sessions Coffee 2 11.15-12.45 Subject Groups- looking at the draft standards and progression through them Digital Switchover – applying the draft standards to a scenario Lunch 3 13.45-15.30 Building Skills – teaching functional skills at KS4 The Learners Perspective - exploring the interrelationships between the three functional skills

10 Main features of 14-19 reform Retention of GCSE and A level Strengthened core - functional skills Strengthened key stage 3 New Specialised Diplomas Age 16 no longer a fixed point Flexibility Personalisation

11 The need for change The Skills Agenda 14 - 19 Education and Skills white paper February 2005 The skills white paper Getting on in business getting on at work March 2005 The Leitch review of skills report November 2006 20:20 Vision - the Gilbert Review Higher Standards, Better Schools for All white paper October 2005

12 Post 16 participation rates The need for change Inflexibility and confusion Dissatisfied employers Value and currency of qualifications Burden of assessment Lack of stretch Reasons for change

13 Drivers for change – local impact Post-16 participation rates Every Child Matters Inflexibility and confusion Dissatisfied employers Value and currency of qualifications Burden of assessment Lack of stretch

14 Functional skills: the basics Functional skills are: –applied skills –transferable –relevant to all contexts.

15 Functional skills: the basics There are three functional skills: English, mathematics, ICT. They are for all learners. They are a core component of the reform of 14–19 education and training. QCA has developed draft standards at Entry Levels 1, 2 and 3, and Levels 1 and 2. Level 3 is in development. Part of the drive to rationalise the number of qualifications available and to ensure standards.

16 Defining functionality Functional skills are core elements of English, mathematics and ICT that provide an individual with essential knowledge, skills and understanding that will enable them to operate confidently, effectively and independently in life and work. QCA October 2005

17 What makes functional skills different? Focus on the delivery of transferable, practical, applied skills underpinned by knowledge and understanding Emphasis on competence Provide a platform for employability and success in life An enabling agenda Part of mainstream provision 14-16 Enhancing current GCSE provision

18 Subject Content English Speaking and listening Reading Writing Maths Making sense of situations and representing them Processing and analysing the mathematics Interpreting and communicating the results of analysis ICT Use ICT systems Find, select and communicate information Develop and present information

19 Functional skills Will be: incorporated into revised GCSEs a mandatory component of Specialised Diplomas valid as stand-alone qualifications – there will be points for this

20 Functional skills: the basics The draft standards draw on the National Curriculum, GCSEs, key skills, and Skills for Life. At Level 1, they are being embedded into the Key Stage 3 revised programmes of study from September 2008. Functional skills will be qualifications and will therefore be independently assessed.

21 The standards The standards define what the learner must be able to do at each level. QCA and the awarding bodies will develop assessment methodologies, specifications and qualifications. Currently there are no schemes of work or specifications. No candidates in the pilot will have a GCSE qualification withheld because they have not reached the required standard in functional skills.

22 Timescales Three-year pilots of English, mathematics and ICT start in September 2007. All three functional skills piloted within first tranche of Diplomas from September 2008. All three functional skills available nationally from September 2010. From September 2010 students will need to get level 2 in ICT, English or Maths FS to get a GCSE C+ in that subject. Functional skills will replace Key Skills and Skills for Life, probably in 2010, last certification 2012.

23 14-19 education and skills implementation plan Passing these functional skills qualifications will be a requirement for achieving a C or better in GCSE, English, maths or ICT. Young people will therefore have to master the functional skills in order to achieve a new Diploma or an apprenticeship.

24 Timeline for Diplomas 2008 First 5 Diplomas available (Construction, Creative and Media, Engineering, ICT, Society, Health and Development) 2009 Next 5 Diplomas available (Land Based, Hair and Beauty, Business Administration and Finance, Manufacturing, Hospitality and Catering) 2010 Final 4 Diplomas available (Public Services, Sport and Leisure, Retail, Travel and Tourism)

25 Structure of the new Diplomas Principal learning – sector related skills and knowledge, mixture of GCSEs, A levels and vocational qualifications. At least 50% focus on developing practical skills used in workplace. Generic learning – functional skills, personal, learning and thinking skills (PLTS) Additional/specialist learning – range of additional, appropriate options endorsed by employers

26 Assessment Is being piloted by schools taking part in the exam boards pilot. One school already involved. Information will be available in the session later this term. (19 th November) Day 3 will also include guidance: about delivering FS for SLT about implementation

27 Role of the pilot centres A genuine pilot: –developing over three years –informing the national roll-out in 2010 –determining how functional skills will be taught and assessed –providing examples of good practice to share with other centres –demonstrating collaborative working –ensuring that accessibility issues are thoroughly considered.

28 Benefits of Collaboration Collaboration Benefits

29 Drivers and Background Jane Everton

30 The vision- what are we going to achieve? Accessible and relevant content to all learners The offer of a single cumulative ladder of achievement and progression (including young people and adults) A curriculum that reflects the needs of learners, teachers, HEIs and employers A streamlined approach to skills teaching and development Up-skilling across all sectors A strengthened workforce

31 Objectives for subject groups To provide participants with the opportunity to gain an understanding of the draft standards in their subject area. To enable participants to differentiate between Entry Level 3 and Levels 1 and 2, and to identify progression.

32 Subject Groups EnglishBrown Maths Blue ICTICT Suite

33 Some implications for teaching and learning How can we ensure that: –learners understand that they are learning skills that they will use and apply in a variety of contexts? –learners understand that these skills are usually used in combination? –learners learn to select the skills they need for a particular task?

34 Skills development A learner –does not necessarily know a skill exists unless it is explicitly named and identified –does not necessarily learn a skill unless it is taught –does not necessarily acquire a skill unless given the opportunity to use it –cannot necessarily transfer a skill unless given other opportunities where the skill is explicitly identified.

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