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Открытый урок в 4 классе на тему: «Вчера. Формирование грамматического материала» Подготовил: учитель английского языка Кармазина Я.С.

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Presentation on theme: "Открытый урок в 4 классе на тему: «Вчера. Формирование грамматического материала» Подготовил: учитель английского языка Кармазина Я.С."— Presentation transcript:

1 Открытый урок в 4 классе на тему: «Вчера. Формирование грамматического материала» Подготовил: учитель английского языка Кармазина Я.С.

2 It is Monday Today is the 4 th of February

3 Фонетическая разминка hospital [‘hospitl], zoo [zu:], theatre [θiәtə], birthday [bз:θdei], cinema [sinәmə], park [pa:k] circus [sз:kәs]

4 Past Simple to be was were

5 to be I wasWe were You were He wasThey were She was It was

6 Homework 1. A: Were you at school yesterday? B: 2. A: Was your mother at home on Saturday? B: 3. A: Were you with your friend last night? B: 4. A: Were you in bed early on Sunday? B: Yes, I was./No, I was not (wasn’t) Yes, she was./No, she was not (wasn’t) Yes, I was./No, I was not (wasn’t )

7 MATCH THE WORDS TO THE PICTURES birthday park cinema circus theatre

8 I was at the cinema yesterday. You were at school yesterday. He was at the circus last Monday. We were in the park a day ago.

9 Use past tense of the verb “to be” 1.Ann … at the yesterday. 2.Tom and Sam … at the last month. 3.This girl … at the in summer. 4.The pupils … at the on Monday. was were was were

10 A song

11 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

12 Homework “5 ”- составить рассказ о том, где были в каждый месяц года. “4”- составить рассказ о том, где были в течение прошлой недели. “3”- составить рассказ о том, где была Ким (стр. 76)

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