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Romeo & Juliet Characters

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1 Romeo & Juliet Characters

2 Montagues Character Description Romeo
Son of Montague who falls in love with Juliet Montague Head of the family who is at war with the Capulets and is father to Romeo Lady Montague Wife to Lord Montague and mother to Romeo Mercutio A relative of the prince and a friend to Romeo Benvolio A gentle and peace-loving young man who is nephew to Montague and a friend of Romeo’s Balthasar A loyal friend and servant to Romeo Abram A servant of the Montague family

3 Capulets Character Description Juliet
Daughter of Capulet who falls in love with Romeo Capulet Head of the family who is at war with the Montagues and father to Juliet Lady Capulet Wife to Lord Capulet and mother to Juliet Tybalt A fiery tempered young man who is the nephew of Lady Capulet and cousin to Juliet Nurse A witty helper and friend to Juliet Peter A servant to Juliet’s nurse Sampson A servant of the Capulet family Gregory

4 Other Characters Character Description Prince Escalus
The prince (ruler) of Verona Paris Relative of Prince Escalus and a young nobleman who asks for Juliet’s hand in marriage Page Servant to Paris Friar Laurence Friar who marries Romeo & Juliet in hopes of making peace between the Montagues and Capulets Friar John Friar who was entrusted with an important letter to Romeo Apothecary A poor druggist in Mantua who sells poison to Romeo

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