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Fundraising your Vision Interactive session on personal story and “the ask”

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Presentation on theme: "Fundraising your Vision Interactive session on personal story and “the ask”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fundraising your Vision Interactive session on personal story and “the ask”

2 Finding the Donors and Funders (GRASSROOTS to GRASSTOPS) Strategies:  Word of Mouth i.e. Networking with Colleagues  Research-the Web, Library or Resource Center  Funding Networks Funders:  The people you already know-friends, family, supporters  Government funding  Corporate funding  Foundations

3 RELATIONSHIPS  The one most important thing a leader does!  Take the TIME to build relationships and allow space for this to happen  Connect with people in a way that is REAL and RELATABLE to build quality relationships

4 Know your own story……  When and how did you first become interested in food related work?  Who is your hero/shero in the food access movement? Why?  Describe a time you worked on food justice and won….  What are your regrets in working on food access?

5 Know your own story…..  Have you or someone close to you ever experienced not having access to food? Describe that experience.  Do you think there is a better way to deliver on food access issues? Describe that vision for a better future….  If you could wave a magic wand and have one thing to help with food access what would it be?

6 BUILDING YOUR MESSAGE  Clear, Concise, Conversational  What do you want them to think? (Your Message)  Creditable  What we say….  Who is saying it…..(The Messenger)  Compelling, Relevant, & Persuasive  What do they want to hear about? (Their Interest)  What do you want them to do? (Give $$$$)

7 Three Typical Responses  Yes! Of course I want to support your work!  No! This is not something I would ever support!  I’m not sure….

8 The ASK  Introduce yourself and your organization briefly  Tell your personal story about why you do the work around food access and relate it to you work  Ask-Be specific, how much $ or support do you need and describe what funding will do  Be Quiet! Wait for response!

9 Nevada Littlewolf (218)750-0389

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