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Fawaz Ghali, Alexandra Cristea, Craig Stewart and Maurice Hendrix Collaborative Adaptation Authoring and Social Annotation in MOT (a.k.a MOT 2.0)

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Presentation on theme: "Fawaz Ghali, Alexandra Cristea, Craig Stewart and Maurice Hendrix Collaborative Adaptation Authoring and Social Annotation in MOT (a.k.a MOT 2.0)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fawaz Ghali, Alexandra Cristea, Craig Stewart and Maurice Hendrix Collaborative Adaptation Authoring and Social Annotation in MOT (a.k.a MOT 2.0)

2 Overview Motivation Challenges MOT and MOT 2.0 Methodology Results Findings

3 Motivation Overcoming the challenges that exist in applying adaptive hypermedia to learning management systems with the help of Web 2.0

4 Challenges Content vs. users activities adaptation. Applying collaboration within adaptive hypermedia.

5 The Question How to harness the strengths of Web 2.0 to provide group based adaptation (authoring)?

6 Authoring for AH My Online Teacher (MOT)

7 Collaboration in MOT Access to another author's domain maps, as well as their lessons. Keyword-based access to existing domain concepts, The possibility to copy a domain concept across from another of the authors own domain map(s).

8 Collaboration in MOT The possibility of linking to concepts from someone else's domain map(s). The possibility of creating a lesson based on someone else's domain map(s) The possibility of creating a lesson including other lesson(s) created by other authors.

9 MOT 2.0 Collaborative authoring Social annotations

10 Common Adaptation Format

11 CAF 2.0

12 Prototype Architecture


14 Collaborative Adaptive Strategies Users in group/course who have interests in AJAX items: – display recommended items (content) – display recommended authors (users)

15 MOT 2.0 Design Questionnaire 30 3 rd year students ( web programming) Who/Where/What questions Compared our design with students answers

16 Results Consistent association between the teachers and the students All users are authors Collaboration is based on rating, tagging and content feedback. The privileges are defined at the level of the lesson and the link in the goal model.

17 Questions?

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