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Maurice Hendrix, Alexandra I. Cristea EC-TEL 2009 {maurice, Adaptation languages for learning: the CAM meta-model.

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Presentation on theme: "Maurice Hendrix, Alexandra I. Cristea EC-TEL 2009 {maurice, Adaptation languages for learning: the CAM meta-model."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maurice Hendrix, Alexandra I. Cristea A3H @ EC-TEL 2009 {maurice, acristea} Adaptation languages for learning: the CAM meta-model

2 Outline Why personalisation? Adaptive Hypermedia (AH) Course creation (authoring) by non-technical users Proposed solution Conclusions and further work

3 Why personalisation? Students benefit from personalised attention Teachers are unable to provide this for every student Systems that can offer this could improve the learning outcomes

4 Adaptive Hypermedia Hypermedia Set of nodes and links, e.g. web page Adaptive What to adapt : presentation, navigation What to adapt to : user (e.g. preference, knowledge), environment (e.g. device, connection) Can deliver personalised attention Has potential to improve learning outcome

5 Course creation (authoring) by non-technical users AH course creation is more complex, involves writing adaptation strategy Trade off between expressivity and ease of use by teachers crucial for success of AH Re-usability often limited

6 Solutions up to now System specific (XML) formats Graph based e.g. AHA! Graph author, without separation into layers (conceptual domain, adaptation strategy, course) Layers based e.g. MOT with LAG. But based on tree structure.

7 Proposed solution: Conceptual Adaptation Model Graph based (hypermedia are nodes and links) Concept Adaptation Model (CAM 0.. CAM N ) Domain model Concept Relation Types User Model

8 Implications for Adaptation Languages Visual language for DM, (CRT) and CAM XML language for internal repr. DM, CRT, CAM Export language package: CAM

9 Visual language DM visual language

10 Visual language CAM visual language

11 XML language Common header, with name, description, creation date and date last updated DM: IMS-VDEX based CRT: UM variables in use, constraints on combining CRTs, adaptive behaviour in adaptation language CAM: contains DM and CRT and instantiation or CRTs with Concepts from DM

12 CAM based authoring tool

13 Conclusions and further work Presented a novel model and tool for authoring of AH that could help realise potential for learning The evaluation to gather usability and user acceptance data via a standard SUS usability test and a more extensive formative evaluation Want to participate in evaluation?

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