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Presentation on theme: "Pollution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pollution

2 Types of Pollution Pollution can affect air, water, & soil/land.
There are two types of pollution sources: Point Source Non-point Source

Located in specific places Easy to identify, monitor, and regulate Examples : - leaking fuel tank - pipe with contaminants flowing into water

Broad, diffuse areas Difficult to identify and control Expensive to clean up Examples: - agricultural run-off - physical pollution of land auto emissions

5 Water Pollution is the contamination of water sources.
There are three distinct types of water pollution: Physical – solid wastes, garbage, etc. Chemical – chemicals such as fertilizers, oil, etc. Biological – algae blooms etc. caused by an overabundance of nutrients in the water

6 Some Ways Water Pollution May Occur

7 Agriculture is the leading cause of water pollution:
sediment eroded from the land fertilizers pesticides bacteria from livestock waste bacteria from food processing wastes

8 Air Pollution The introduction of particulates, biological molecules, or other harmful materials into the Earth's atmosphere. Air pollution may come from: Anthropogenic (man made) sources Natural sources

9 Primary Air Pollutants
Primary pollutants - produced directly through a process (for example carbon monoxide gas created from the exhaust from vehicles). Major primary air pollutants are: Sulphur oxides, esp. sulphur dioxide (SO2) Particulate matter (PM), atmospheric particulate matter, or fine particles - these are tiny particles of solid or liquid suspended in a gas  Free radicals, radioactive pollutants Nitrogen oxides Toxic metals such as lead and mercury and their compounds Carbon monoxide (CO) Volatile organic compounds classified as methane (CH4) and non-methane (NMVOCs) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs): these are notorious for depleting the protective ozone layer Ammonia (NH3)

10 Secondary Air Pollutants
Secondary pollutants are produced as a result of the interaction or reaction of primary air pollutants. For instance ground level ozone gas (ozone in the troposphere) is a secondary pollutant. Secondary air pollutants include: Smog: "Smog" is a combination of smoke and fog. Photochemical smog is the result of chemical reaction of sunlight, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere. Ground-level Ozone

11 Air Pollution Pathways

12 Land Pollution Land pollution is the degradation or destruction of earth’s surface and soil, directly or indirectly as a result of human activities.

13 Causes of Land Pollution:
Deforestation & Soil Erosion Sewage Treatment Agricultural Activities Mining Activities Industrialization Overfilled Landfills Construction Activities Nuclear Waste

14 Pollution of soil, air, and water
Loss of Revenue from Tourism Change in Climate Patterns Effects on Wildlife such as loss of habitat, population decline, extinction Environmental Impacts like Global Warming, & Greenhouse Effect Effects on Human Health

15 Laws Created to Stop/Reduce Pollution
Clean Air Act The Clean Air Act (CAA) regulates air emissions from stationary and mobile sources. authorizes EPA to establish National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) to protect public health and public welfare regulates emissions of hazardous air pollutants.

16 Laws Created to Stop/Reduce Pollution
Clean Water Act The Clean Water Act (CWA) establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States and regulating quality standards for surface waters. Established water quality standards Provides system for identifying point source pollution Requires pretreatment of toxins from manufacturing / industry Federal funding for sewage treatment Provides agencies for enforcement and criminal charges for violators

17 Laws Created to Stop/Reduce Pollution
Pollution Prevention Act The Pollution Prevention Act (PPA) focused industry, government, and public attention on reducing pollution through cost-effective changes in production, operation, and raw materials use. Source reduction - practices to reduce hazardous substances from being released into the environment prior to recycling, treatment or disposal. includes equipment/technology modifications, process/ procedure modifications, reformulation/redesign of products, substitution of raw materials, and improvements in housekeeping, maintenance, training, or inventory control. Pollution prevention -practices that increase efficiency in the use of energy, water, or other natural resources, and protect our resource base through conservation.

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