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Stakeholder Analysis Ex. Advocating for review of existing legal frameworks around sugarcane production in Kenya.

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Presentation on theme: "Stakeholder Analysis Ex. Advocating for review of existing legal frameworks around sugarcane production in Kenya."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stakeholder Analysis Ex. Advocating for review of existing legal frameworks around sugarcane production in Kenya

2 Identified problems Sugarcane production is a generally marginalized section in the agricultural sector, manifested by; High tax placed on sugar production Poor infrastructure provision; such as, roads in areas around sugarcane farms Unlike other farmers; such as, coffee producers the loans accrued by sugarcane farmers are not cancelled * The result = high cost of production of sugar; imported sugar flooding the local market; locally produced sugar can not compete, sugarcane farmers and sugar producers loose

3 List of stakeholders Sugarcane farmers Farmers association Kenyan sugar board Sugar producing industries Ministry of agriculture Ministry of finance Ministry of trade and industry Activists (sugar campaign for change) Donors Consumers COMMESA Members of Parliament

4 Position Mapping of stakeholders Level of Influenc e Position OpposeNeutralSupportive High-Kenyan sugar board (expected to amplify voice of the farmers, but members appointed by the gov and serve ruling party interests) - Ministry of finance - Ministry of industry and trade - MPs (from the sugarcane producing farmers region, but few in NO) Medium - COMMESA (their interest is to promote free trade, sugar imports by Kenya) - Sugarcane industries (most are government orgs and they are keeping silent) - Donors Low - Consumers (interest is supply and affordability, imported sugar is abundant and cheaper than locally produced sugar) - Activists - Sugarcane farmers - farmers associations

5 Engaging stakeholders at different policy cycles Policy cycle Type of engagement InformConsultPartnershipBargain Initiation - Consumers - COMMESA -Kenyan sugar board - Sugar producing industries - Ministry of agriculture, trade, fin. -Sugarcane farmers -farmers associations -MPs from sugarcane region - activists/ donors eg.ActionAID Min. of agr Min. trade Min. of Fin (key people who can bring the policy change) Planning- consumers - Farmers and their associations - MOA - Activists - MPs from sugarcane region - Donors Implement ation - Consumers- Farmers and their associations - Farmers & their association - activists M&E- Consumers - Farmers & their association - Activists

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