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World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WIGOS – WMO Foundation for Meeting the Observing needs of Weather, Climate,

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Presentation on theme: "World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WIGOS – WMO Foundation for Meeting the Observing needs of Weather, Climate,"— Presentation transcript:

1 World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WIGOS – WMO Foundation for Meeting the Observing needs of Weather, Climate, Water and Environment Services --Consideration of WIGOS roadmap at 4-year WMO Constituent body Sessions Dr Wenjian Zhang Observing and Information System Department, WMO WMO

2 WMO OMM Key documents needed at RAs

3 WMO OMM PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME OF SESSIONS OF CONSTITUENT BODIES DURING THE SEVENTEENTH FINANCIAL PERIOD (2016–2019) : 2016 EC-68 (June) –Key documents on WIGOS should be discussed and agreed at ICG-5 (last week of January 2016 after PRA/PTC), then input to EC documents (Asia) (RA II-16) (Sept) –Key WIGOS documents be communicated (Pre-OP IP, WIGOS Regional Facility- connection to GSICS, etc), and regional WIGOS docs be approved. –OSCAR will be on-site registeration/update at RA II –RBON (or GBON-RA II) concept be communicated and exercised (CBS-16) (November) –New Regulatory Material be discussed and approved (GOS part) and endorsed –New WIGOS working structure within CBS and collaboration meschanisms (CHy-15) (December): WIGOS Pre-OP IP –Key WIGOS documents be communicated and discussed –OSCAR will be on-site registeration/update for WIGOS Hydrological component 3

4 WMO OMM PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME OF SESSIONS OF CONSTITUENT BODIES DURING THE SEVENTEENTH FINANCIAL PERIOD (2016–2019) --2017 (RA IV-17) (North & Central America & the Caribbean)-April –Similar to RA II EC-69 –Potential update of WIGOS Pre-Op IP, and review of progress (CAS-17) –WIGOS Pre-op IP; RBON, Guiding material expected from CAS –On-site registeration check/update on GAW stations (RA VI-17) (Europe) –Sept. –Global WIGOS documents and Regional documents (ref. RA II) (JCOMM-5) –OSCAR-GOS Ocean sub-systems and GOOS system registeration (RA V-17) (South-West Pacific)-Dec. –Global WIGOS documents and Regional documents (ref. RA II) 4

5 WMO OMM PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME OF SESSIONS OF CONSTITUENT BODIES DURING THE SEVENTEENTH FINANCIAL PERIOD (2016–2019) - 2018 (CCl-17), (CAgM-17) & (CAeM-16) –WIGOS key documents and progress review, contributing to the CCl, CAeM and CAgM communities (CIMO-17) –Documents on CIMO leading role of WIGOS, new working structure on WIGOS (RA I-17) (Africa) & (RA III-17) (South America) Review of Global & Regional WIGOS progress, communication and decisions. OSCAR on-site registrations/updates (IBCS-3) –Documents on WIGOS Progress (global and regional) articulate the WIGOS be the GFCS OBS Pillar with all relevant bodies (GCOS, GOOS, etc) EC- 70 –Overview of Progress of WIGOS at Global, Regional and National levels, demo WIGOS benefits –Preliminary Decisions on WIGOS Operational Phase at Cg-18 (potential of WMO Infrastructure (WIGOS/WIS), Programme suggestion – cross-cutting Programme) 2019: Preparation for (Cg-18) & (EC-71) 5

6 WMO OMM Key documents needed at ICG-5 (for EC-68 and RA II) WIGOS Pre-operational Plan (request to be approved by EC-68, and can be revised at the EC69/70 & communicate at all the RA sessions) Comprehensive guide for national WIGOS Implementation, –including a) obligation items; b) strongly recommended practices; c) optional key areas Volume A to OSCAR transition Plan (key metadata and possible Station IDs WIGOS Metadata Implementation Guide; RBON: or Global Basic Observing Network at all the regions (GBON- RA X) as the tradition phase in the next 4 years go through all RAs from current RNSB, RBCN to a GBON trial phase. Concept and Guidelines for Regional WIGOS Facility; Others ?

7 Thank you World Meteorological Organization 7bis, avenue de la Paix CH-1211 Geneva 2 Switzerland

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