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Ninjas: Fact and Fiction By Alex. Main Menu Ninja Facts and Fiction Ninja Weapons The End!! What are ninjas.

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Presentation on theme: "Ninjas: Fact and Fiction By Alex. Main Menu Ninja Facts and Fiction Ninja Weapons The End!! What are ninjas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ninjas: Fact and Fiction By Alex

2 Main Menu Ninja Facts and Fiction Ninja Weapons The End!! What are ninjas

3 Page 1 Page 2 Ninja Weapons Ninja weapons are usually small and light, with a few exceptions. The weapons are small and light for quick and easy deployment and hiding. Most Ninja weapons kill silently and quickly, and the victim doesn’t usually know what hit him.

4 Dart Gun Bokken Chigiriki Bow Bo with Shuriken Hanbo Kusari-Gama Kakute Kama

5 Kusari Kyoketso-ShogeiNaginata Ninja-to Nunchaku Ono Shobo Shuriken Tessen Tetsubishi (Caltrops) Yari

6 Ninja Facts and Fiction Ninjas can’t do that Ninjas cannot fly, do not have super strength, they cannot turn invisible at will, etc. Use your common sense here. In Medieval Japan, Ninjas would create and spread those myths to further intimidate their opponents, the samurais. Ninjas were actually quite weak, so weak that a samurai would destroy a ninja in hand to hand combat. The only ways that a ninja would be able to beat a samurai is by using stealth, surprise, special tools, and intimidation. If a ninja were to face a samurai, the ninja would probably do something clever, like hide in the ceiling of the building and make loud stomping noises to make the samurai think that something big and angry is coming. The ninja would then descend upon the bewildered samurai and strangle him.

7 What are Ninjas???? Ninjas are specialized soldiers who came into existence at about 800 A.D. During this time many families feuded for dominion over Japan. These families needed a soldier that could sneak into someone else’s castle and do covert assassinations, spy, and gather information. Samurais could not do this job because of their strict code of Bushido, if a samurai were forced to spy on someone they would have to commit hara-kiri, or ritual suicide. Ninjas came from warrior monks that practiced nonuse or the art of stealth. These monks were hired by the feuding families because they had not strict code of Bushido and could do almost anything.

8 The End Thank you for watching my presentation - Alex “I liku ninjas” -Japanese junior high schooler

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