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Prioritizing Your Projects. What is the first thing you should do when you are given any project?

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Presentation on theme: "Prioritizing Your Projects. What is the first thing you should do when you are given any project?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prioritizing Your Projects

2 What is the first thing you should do when you are given any project?

3 Prioritizing Your Projects Look ahead to due dates  Mark these in a calendar Identify your busiest weeks

4 Prioritizing Your Projects How can you make time for a large project?

5 Students who prioritize their projects can: Break down bigger projects into smaller parts  Leave time at the end of the project to make finishing touches and ensure that you’ve met all project requirements

6 Prioritizing Your Projects What do successful students do to be sure that they are on track with all of their tasks?

7 Students who prioritize their projects: Create a study plan to avoid panicking and last minute “all nighters” Make the best use of their time outside of class

8 Use iFALCON Visit the iFALCON website for practice activities on prioritizing your projects

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