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BIO – 255 Anatomy & Physiology Chapter 25 – Urinary System.

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1 BIO – 255 Anatomy & Physiology Chapter 25 – Urinary System

2 Urinary System Functions? Excretion – blood filtering Gee Whiz! - each day the kidneys filter about 180 liters of plasma About 25% of total cardiac output goes to the kidneys!!! Renin and erythropoietin production Vitamin D activation

3 Urinary System Anatomy Kidneys, Ureters, Urinary bladder, and Urethra – Figures 25.1, 25.2 and 25.3

4 Urinary System What is the nephron? There are about 1 million per kidney! Figure 25.4 and 25.5

5 Urinary System Juxtaglomerular apparatus – this is the site of renin production The cells determine blood pressure by stretch of the afferent arteriole wall Figure 25.6

6 Urinary System Nephron Structure Renal corpuscle = the Bowman’s capsule and the glomerulus The inner layer of the Bowman’s capsule is composed of podocytes Spaces between podocyte projections are called filtration slits Figure 25.7

7 Urinary System The glomerular capillary walls are lined with openings called fenestrae The filtration membrane = capillary wall, basement membrane, and podocytes Figure 25.7

8 Urine Production Urine production occurs at the nephron It occurs in three stages: Filtration – fluid is moved from the blood into the Bowman’s capsule This fluid is called filtrate Reabsorption – movement of substances from the filtrate back into the blood Secretion – active transport of wastes into the urine Figure 25.8

9 Urine Production Filtration Total plasma volume is filtered ~60 times per day The kidneys use about 20-25% of all oxygen in the body (at rest) but they only make up about 1% of total body weight About 180 L of filtrate per day, but only about 1.8 L of urine (reabsorption is major)

10 Urine Production Filtration Membrane The filtration membrane is a barrier to large particles in the blood Cells, most proteins, etc. Fluid is pushed out of the capillary by the filtration pressure Blood pressure in the glomerulus is extremely high Figure 25.9

11 Urine Production Filtrate is similar to plasma, but urine is not The primary changes occur during: Reabsorption – this occurs in the tube system of the nephron Proximal tubule – most solutes and water are reabsorbed here For most molecules this occurs by secondary active transport (cotransport) with Na + ions Na + is actively transported out of the cell into the interstitial fluid This generates the concentration gradient to power the cotransport mechanism Figure 25.12

12 Urine Production By the end of the proximal tubule, 65% of the filtrate volume has been reabsorbed

13 Urine Production Loop of Henle Descending limb extends into the medulla the interstitial fluid has an extremely high solute concentration (1200 mOsm/kg) This causes the movement of water out of the nephron A few solutes enter the nephron At the bottom of the loop, an additional 15% of filtrate has been removed Figure 25.14

14 Urine Production The ascending limb is impermeable to water, but additional solutes are removed This causes a dilution of the filtrate (100 mOsm/kg) Figure 25.14

15 Urine Production Distal tubule and collecting duct More ions are absorbed Na + and Aldosterone Water movement through the distal tubule and collecting duct walls is under hormonal control Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) is the primary regulator – What does it do? More later Table 25.1

16 Urine Production Some materials are not actively removed from the filtrate Urea, uric acid, phosphates and other toxic substances become more concentrated

17 Urine Production Secretion Some substances are actively transported into the urine in the proximal and distal tubules Drugs, urea, excess K + Blood pH regulation and H + secretion Figure 25.8

18 Urine Formation CD

19 Urine Production Regulation of Urine Concentration and Volume Osmolality is a measure of how many solutes are dissolved in a fluid Dilute urine (~65 mOsm/kg) Concentrated urine (~1200 mOsm/kg) Blood and most other body fluids (~300 mOsm/kg) The composition of urine is manipulated to ensure this remains constant

20 Urine Production The concentration of urine depends on maintaining a high solute concentration in the medulla water and solutes move from the filtrate into the medullary interstitial fluid at the loops of Henle The vasa recta are more permeable to water than solutes Figures 25.13 and 25.14

21 Urine Production Concentration of urine depends on ADH ADH activates a second messenger system that leads to more active aquaporins in the distal tubule and collecting duct This allows water to be removed from the filtrate and enter the blood “anti”-diuretic Figure 25.15 and from other text

22 Urine Production Formation of dilute urine occurs in the absence of ADH Aquaporin function is inhibited so water is retained in the filtrate Figure 25.15

23 Reg. of Urine Concentration & Volume What if a person could not produce enough ADH? Diabetes insipidus (10-20 liters of urine per day) Figure 25.15

24 Reg. of Urine Concentration & Volume Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone Mechanism When BP decreases, the kidneys secrete renin Renin is secreted by the cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus Renin activates a plasma protein called angiotensin Active angiotensin causes vasoconstriction and the release of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex

25 Reg. of Urine Concentration & Volume Aldosterone increases Na + and Cl - reabsorption by the kidney What effect would this have on urine concentration and volume? Angiotensin can also stimulate the release of ADH Figure 25.15 and from other text

26 Reg. of Urine Concentration & Volume Atrial Natriuretic Hormone (ANH) Is secreted by the cells of the right atrium when they are stretched ANH blocks the secretion of ADH and the reabsorption of Na + Effect?

27 Other Information Diuretics (such as Lasix and Diuril) inhibit Na + reabsorption. Effect? Kidney stones occur when minerals crystallize in the renal pelvis Ultrasound treatment Risk factors are bacterial infections, urine retention, high blood Ca 2+, and alkaline urine.

28 Micturition (Urination) There are smooth and skeletal muscle sphincters that close off the urethra When about 200 ml of urine is in the bladder, the urge to urinate occurs The skeletal muscle can over-ride the urge After another 2-300 ml, another urge is felt This can also be suppressed When the volume reaches about 600 ml the urge is constant and eventually micturition occurs (whether you like it or not)

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