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Present Tense Verb Forms

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1 Present Tense Verb Forms
Regular Verbs

2 Present Tense Verb Forms
What does to conjugate a verb mean?

3 Present Tense Verb Forms
To conjugate a verb means to change the form of the verb so it agrees with the subject.

4 Present Tense Verb Forms
In order to do that you need to know the infinitive of the verb. An infinitive is a verb form that expresses action or condition without reference to person, tense, or number.

5 Present Tense Verb Forms
In English, infinitives are listed in the dictionaries with “to” Examples: to walk, to run, to swim, to read, …

6 Present Tense Verb Forms
In German, infinitives end in –en (in a few cases they end in –n). Examples: heissen, kommen, sein, …

7 Present Tense Verb Forms
Before you can conjugate a regular verb, you need to know the stem. You find the stem by taking the –en of the infinitive.

8 Present Tense Verb Forms
Let’s use the regular verb gehen (to walk) Take off the –en Your stem is geh

9 Present Tense Verb Forms
The present tense of the regular verb gehen requires the following endings for singular pronouns. ich geh + e = gehe (I go) du geh + st = gehst (you go) er geh + t = geht (he goes) sie geh + t = geht (she goes) es geh + t = geht (it goes)

10 Present Tense Verb Forms
The present tense of the regular verb gehen requires the following ending for plural pronouns. wir geh + en = gehen (we go) ihr geh + t = geht (you go) sie geh + en = gehen (they go) Sie geh + en = gehen (you go, sing. & plural formal)

11 Present Tense Verb Forms
Note: If the stem of the verb in the du-form ends in s or β, then the “s” in the ending is dropped.

12 Example: The stem of heiβen is heiβ, drop the “s” and only add the “t” for the du-form. Du heiβt Martina.

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