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Day 2 Theme 2, Lesson 10. Question of the Day How is a police dog like a detective who solves crimes? A police dog is like a detective because __________________.

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Presentation on theme: "Day 2 Theme 2, Lesson 10. Question of the Day How is a police dog like a detective who solves crimes? A police dog is like a detective because __________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 2 Theme 2, Lesson 10

2 Question of the Day How is a police dog like a detective who solves crimes? A police dog is like a detective because __________________.

3 Officer Joe Display and read R45 (Set a purpose and model fluent reading) How do you know Spot is a well-behaved dog? Who do you think trained Spot to be a good police dog? Why do you think Spot likes to be with Officer Joe so much?

4 Phonics and Spelling Review /ch/ Chain and catch both have the /ch/ sound. Which consonant patterns stand for the /ch/ sound in each word? Review /sh/ Shed and chute both have the /sh/ sound. Ch- can be pronounced /ch/ or /sh/. Review /(h)w/ Say white Some people pronounce wh as /(h)w/, while others pronounce it as /w/.

5 Phonics and Spelling /ch//sh//(h)w/ Sort the following spelling words into the right category according to their consonant sounds. Itchchef wheat chance scratchpush

6 Fact and Opinion What is the difference between a fact and an opinion? Give some examples of some facts and some opinions Open your Student Edition to p. 285 Find one fact and one opinion about Junior Bear’s chair. What is Cam’s opinion about the Bear’s house? Continued on next slide…

7 Synonyms and Antonyms What is a synonym? What is an antonym? You can use synonyms and antonyms to help you understand the meaning of a word you do no recognize. I let out a little shriek. What are some synonyms for shriek? Scream is a synonym for shriek. continued…

8 Synonyms and Antonyms I need you to speak more slowly. What is an antonym for slowly? I need you to speak quickly. That sentence would mean the opposite.

9 Reader’s Theater

10 Vocabulary On the dining room table were three inviting bowls of porridge. Inviting: If something looks inviting, you want to take part in it or have something to do with it. - Say the word Inviting - What food do you find more inviting, oatmeal or cereal? Why?

11 Papa Bear did not think Goldilocks was amusing. Amusing: If something is fun or funny, it is amusing. - Say the word Amusing - What do you find more amusing, a clown or a juggler? Explain.

12 Grammar Daily Proofreading 1.we walked to danny’s house and then to south Street ________________________________________________ 2. when does the last train leave for georgia? ________________________________________________

13 Common & Proper Nouns Common nouns name people, places, and things. Proper nouns name particular people, places, or things. Proper nouns are usually capitalized. Boy is a common noun. David is a proper noun. continued on next slide…

14 Proper people Proper places Proper things Common people Common places Common things What are some examples of these?

15 Writing Work on revising your piece of writing. Remember that writers revise their writing to improve it. Explain that the organization of ideas is important and is often revised in second drafts. Review your writing and choose a section to reorganize. How might you rearrange the text to make it better?

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