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 31 years in USCG & USCGR  Special Agent for DOS Diplomatic Security Service  Retired as a PSC  Last Unit was USCG Deployable Operations Group (DOG)

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2  31 years in USCG & USCGR  Special Agent for DOS Diplomatic Security Service  Retired as a PSC  Last Unit was USCG Deployable Operations Group (DOG)

3  I separated from the USCGR on Sept. 30, 2009. I was up against mandatory retirement with the USCGR.  I started to plan for retirement while serving overseas in Baghdad with the DOS.  While on my R&Rs back in the States, I drill for several days at a time, to ensure my records were up-to-date. I  also took USMC MCI correspondence courses to make up for any points I might miss due to deployment.  I returned to the US in August and September, 2009.

4  Started Process:  Checked to see if I would receive either orders or DD-214 – SPOs did not seem to know.  Trouble with trying to submit MCI courses for points.  Other than physical – only vague idea on what to do:  Interview/checklist,  no information on RET-2,  Life after military service (USCG Auxiliary, USCG Area Retiree Councils, etc).

5  SPOs initially did not know if I received DD- 214 or Not  Came to conclusion that I got nothing except retirement certificates  When I went to get RED ID Card at Fort Myers, I was told I needed orders!  Had to go back to unit for processing orders from PPC Topeka  Was still considered on the books!

6  Submitted MCI courses in the past  Had enrolled in three MCI courses while in Iraq  Initially submitted certificates in May – SPOs could not find SOP to submit for Reserve Retirement Points (RRPs)  Contacted CGI, RPM, and HQ. Was sent back to unit SPO for resolution!

7  No Armed Forces correspondence courses listed on master sheet.  No Naval War College listed either  All geared to college level courses  SOP for course processing exists but system is non-existent  SPO gave POC at PPC Topeka for assistance in matter – issue only partially resolved to date.  Informed by Topeka POC that a number of retirees are in similar situation.

8  Physical process was excellent.  TAP seminar was excellent.  VA process was good  SPOs tried to assist as best as possible.

9  No info on RET-2 Status (call up). Did not learn about it until first Retiree Council  No info on USCG Auxiliary  No info on Area Retiree Council  Had to conduct own research

10  Believe that above information was lost during transition to TEAM COAST GUARD.  Poll should be taken throughout area retiree councils for problems encountered and sent to pertinent USCG offices for research and resolve  Info on reserve retirement/separation process, RRPs, RET-1 & 2, etc. need to codified and instituted into RPA, SPO, and YN training.  Other training: LAMS, CPO Academy, TAP  Include in publications: AF ALMANACs, USCG Web Page, USCG Retirement Packets

11  For Correspondence courses, courses from other services need to be reviewed and if compatible, must be added to master list.  Could be done through committee of volunteers (or under contract) from USCG retirees, in coordination with force rating managers and CGI. (told that this is not a priority).  Committee could meet periodically to review new courses or ones that are suggested by Team Coast Guard members.

12  Transition for USCG reservists should be as smooth as it is for active duty members. The process needs to be reviewed and information needs to be complied and codified into SOP for the appropriate personnel that are in charge in guiding USCG Reservists through this process. A well informed cadre will save the retiree time, effort, and possible loss of retirement pay!

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