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MLA Format MLA (Modern Language Association) Most commonly used to write papers and cite sources for liberal arts and humanities.

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2 MLA Format MLA (Modern Language Association) Most commonly used to write papers and cite sources for liberal arts and humanities

3 Why Use MLA Format? MLA style gives writers a system for citing their sources (parenthetical citations and Works Cited pages) Writers who use MLA style build their credibility

4 Why Use MLA Format? It protects you from plagiarism accusations

5 How to Cite Web Sources Online Photograph Author Last Name, first name [if given]. “Photo Title.” Photo. Date Picture was taken or uploaded. URL address. Web. Date you got picture off internet. Example: Feldman, Becky. Pluto May Just In Fact Be A Planet. 2014. Science Fiction. Web. 17 Nov. 2014.

6 How to Cite Web Sources Entire Web site Author’s or Editor’s last name, first name [if given]. Title of Web site. Name of sponsoring institution or organization [if given]. Last update or original publication date. Web. Date accessed.

7 How to Cite Web Sources Article from a Web site Author’s or Editor’s last name, first name [if given]. “Title of Article.” Title of Web site. Date of last update or original publication date. Web. Date accessed.

8 How to Cite Web Sources Online Database Article Author’s or Editor’s last name, first name [if given]. “Article Title.” Database Title. Copyright date [edition]. Online Publisher or sponsoring institution. Web. Date accessed.

9 How to Cite Print Sources Book with one Author Last name, first name. Title of Book. City of publication: Publisher, Date published. Print.

10 How to Cite Print Sources Book with an Editor Editor’s last name, first name, ed. Title of Book. City of publication: Publisher, Date published. Print.

11 How to Cite Print Sources Encyclopedia Author’s last name, first name. [if available] “Article Title.” Title of Encyclopedia. Year Published. Print.

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