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September 23, 2013. SITY BIODIVERSITY The number of different species of plants and animals in an area.

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Presentation on theme: "September 23, 2013. SITY BIODIVERSITY The number of different species of plants and animals in an area."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 23, 2013

2 SITY BIODIVERSITY The number of different species of plants and animals in an area.


4 WHY BIODIVERSITY LEADS TO A MORE SUSTAINABLE ECOSYSTEM Sustainability is the ability to maintain something over a long period of time. More Species =More Links in the Food Chain More Plants = More Food for other animals (oxygen too) More Genes = Better Chance for Survival thru Adaptation Variety of Ecosystems = More Habitat for different Species


6 POLAR BEARS Polar bears live in the arctic tundra biome. They eat seals and large fish.

7 Polar Bears The tundra climate is warming and as a result, the icecaps are thinning and cracking.

8 THINK ABOUT THIS…. What might happen to the polar bears if they are separated from their food source by the changing abiotic factors in the environment? How would the food chain be affected?

9 Tundra Food Web


11 Population Remember A population is composed of all the members of one type of organism that live in the same area.

12 Box Bugs - Directions 1.Determine who will be the predator bird and which person will be the prey box bug. 2.Cover the top of the desk, laying the papers white side up, in different directions to avoid any type of pattern. 3.Count out 20 white box bugs and 20 speckled bugs from the bags provided. 4.The prey spreads the 40 box bugs over the white paper environment without the predator watching. 5.When prey gives direction, predator turns and picks up box bugs for 15 sec.

13 Box Bugs - Rules The predator can only pick up one bug at a time and must take the bug back to its nest (cup) to be eaten. The predator may return to look for more bugs after the captured bug has been placed in the cup. The cup should be placed so that the predator must turn his back to the paper environment to place the bug in its nest. Box bugs in the cup represent eaten bugs.

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