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Curriculum for Excellence

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1 Curriculum for Excellence
A Case Study Dumbarton Academy Graham Hutton Head Teacher

2 Background BOCSH Group Dumbarton Academy West Dunbartonshire
650 pupils True comprehensive Meeting needs of all pupils New Build planned Plan to suit our school

3 Background

4 Entitlements A coherent 3-18 curriculum Broad General Education
Senior Phase Skills for Learning, Life and Work; Numeracy Literacy and Health and Wellbeing Personal Support Positive sustained destinations

5 What is the Curriculum? “The totality of all that is planned for children and young people throughout their education” Curriculum areas and subjects Inter-disciplinary learning Opportunities for personal achievement Ethos and life of the school as a community

6 Principles of Curriculum Design
Challenge and enjoyment Breadth Progression Depth Personalisation and Choice Coherence Relevance

7 Process Testing the Framework Staff SLWG
Research and professional discussion Consultation with all staff Consultation with pupils and parents Support from LEA Support from BOCSH group

8 3-18 Transition arrangements from associated Primary schools
More active transition programme Good practice from both sides

9 Broad General Education
All pupils in S1 and S2 will study all curriculum areas across the breadth of outcomes and experiences. All pupils, as far as possible, will access the full range of outcomes and experiences and that the greater majority of pupils will be “secure” at the Level 3 outcomes by the end of S3. S2 pupils will be offered a choice of elective subjects (2 periods per week). In S3 pupils will continue with a Broad General Education, but with an element of personalization and choice within four curricular areas.

10 Broad General Education
An established pattern of Inter-Disciplinary Learning in S1 (see LTS website). Whole school projects now in S2/3 and smaller links between departments Literacy and Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing will be the responsibility for all In session 2010/11 the school moved to Vertical Registration (VR). Considering daily mentoring period from

11 Broad General Education
There will be a limited school-based Skills for Work programme in S3 The school is currently developing various systems to ensure pupil progress is tracked from Primary school to Senior Phase. Assessment developments are being taken forward. Transition arrangements to Senior Phase


13 Senior Phase Process has taken nearly two years
Involved staff, pupils, parents and the Local Authority. A holistic, inclusive approach to pupils’ education Included personalization and choice, personal support, health and well being, personal achievement and IDL

14 Parameters for Senior Phase
Inclusive Timetabling of S4-6 as a block allowing viability of classes Pupils in the Senior Phase to choose either 5, 6 or possibly 7 courses. A basic six column structure with all pupils having a H&W / Elective input

15 Parameters for Senior Phase
Pupils in S4 required to study RME and PE (3 periods in all). Strong focus on pupil support: 5 X 30-minute periods for mentoring per week. 30 X 50-minute periods, maximizing efficiency of staff IDL projects integrated into S1-6 curriculum


17 Personalisation and Choice
A broader choice More viable classes Skills for Work programme, Closer working and partnership with other authority schools

18 Inter-disciplinary Learning
Tradition of offering pupils opportunities for and personal achievement. Physical education, fitness and wellbeing Voluntary work Leadership academy (Columba 1400 is rooted in the school) Outdoor education Duke of Edinburgh Award Eco activity Young Enterprise Employment skills Mark Scott Foundation (Community Involvement) Work experience

19 Literacy, Numeracy and HWB
Literacy and Numeracy in the Senior Phase -predominantly through studying of English and Maths. However, it is recognised that for some pupils individual provision will be required to assure they reach the required levels of literacy and numeracy before they leave school. Pupils in S5/6 will be encouraged to do 2 periods a week of sport, as well as PSE and an elective area. This is a radical departure from the current situation in S5/6, where there is no such provision.

20 Personal Support Vertical Registration (VR) system,
Discussions on moving to a daily 30 minute mentoring period VR allows senior pupils to support their younger peers in a number of roles: leadership advice and help during transitions peer support mentoring tracking and targeting The Health and Wellbeing period (PSHE) timetabled for the first time in S5/6, including Skills for Life and Skills for Learning

21 Progression Pathways to Sustained Destinations
Courses encompass Access 3, National 4, National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher. Multi-level teaching will be the norm, providing SQA specifications allow assumed progression through so-called “nested” qualifications. Provision of 1 year and 2 year courses of study is foreseen, particularly in S4/5, allowing pupils to go straight onto a 2 year Higher course, avoiding the “two term dash” to Higher. Vocational pathways via the Authority’s Skills for Work programme involving partnerships with Clydebank College and other providers.

22 Progression Pathways to Sustained Destinations
Baccalaureate provision and Advanced Higher provision through consortia arrangements Partnership working: FE (e.g. Clydebank and Anniesland Colleges), employers (e.g. Polaroid), voluntary sector (e.g. Tullochan Trust, Inspire Scotland) Free-standing units and alternative certification (e.g. ASDAN, XL Group, Prince’s Trust). Quality of attainment will rise, particularly by allowing prospective Higher pupils a longer, deeper progression from Level 4 in BGE. Recognition of achievement to exemplify the life skills of young people to future employers.

23 ISSUES Staffing Falling rolls New build accommodation
Transition issues to 2015/16 SQA requirements Finance Training

24 Where we are A 6-year strategic High Level Curriculum Plan from for the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence. A strategic timeline for the overall implementation A strategic plan for the phased introduction of the mentoring period (support) An overview of interdisciplinary learning, S1-3 and Senior Phase Dry run course choice and costed timetable A fully-fleshed policy on Self-Evaluation to ensure the quality of Teaching and Learning

25 Questions

Graham Hutton

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