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S1 and S2 Parents’ Information Evening Tuesday 26 March 2013 Curriculum for Excellence Lanark Grammar School.

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Presentation on theme: "S1 and S2 Parents’ Information Evening Tuesday 26 March 2013 Curriculum for Excellence Lanark Grammar School."— Presentation transcript:

1 S1 and S2 Parents’ Information Evening Tuesday 26 March 2013 Curriculum for Excellence Lanark Grammar School

2 Curriculum for Excellence Context Curriculum for Excellence Choosing at S1 Choosing at S2 Pupil Profiles New National Qualifications

3 Lanark Grammar School Curriculum for Excellence Curriculum Coherent, more flexible and enriched curriculum. The Curriculum is the totality of experiences: ethos and life of the school; curriculum areas and subjects interdisciplinary learning; and personal achievement

4 Lanark Grammar School Curriculum for Excellence Purpose of the curriculum: Developing the Four Capacities – successful learners; confident individuals; responsible citizens; and effective contributors

5 Lanark Grammar School Curriculum for Excellence Principles: challenge and enjoyment; breadth; progression; depth; personalisation and choice; coherence; and relevance

6 Lanark Grammar School Curriculum for Excellence Broad General Education S1-S3 Senior Phase S4-S6

7 Lanark Grammar School Curriculum for Excellence Curricular Areas: Expressive Arts Health and Wellbeing Languages Mathematics Religious and Moral Education Sciences Social Studies Technologies Responsibility for All Literacy; Numeracy; and Health and Wellbeing

8 Lanark Grammar School Curriculum for Excellence Choosing Why: personalisation and choice Consultation: pupils; parents; and staff

9 Lanark Grammar School Curriculum for Excellence Choosing You told us: Liked idea of having choice (parents/carers a little more reticent) Liked idea of choice within subject areas (Curricular Areas) Wanted to know what would be undertaken in S2 prior to choosing – parents/carers felt children knew what to choose in some subject areas – but less so in others Time to reflect

10 Lanark Grammar School Curriculum for Excellence Choosing S1 – S2 Expressive Arts: pupils chose to continue with 2 subjects from 3 (Art, Drama or Music) for 2 x 2 periods Science: pupils study Core Science plus 2 periods of choice (2 from Biology, Chemistry or Physics) for 1 period each. Social Studies – pupils choose 3 subjects from 4 (Classical Studies, Geography, History, or Modern Studies) for 1 period each.

11 Lanark Grammar School Curriculum for Excellence Choosing S2 – S3 Social Studies – pupils choose 2 subjects from 3 (Classical Studies, Geography, History, or Modern Studies) for 2 period each. Technology: pupils chose to continue with 2 subjects from 3 (Home Economics, ICT or Technical ) for 2 x 2 periods.

12 Lanark Grammar School Curriculum for Excellence Next Steps: Choosing Form – Remain in 8 Curricular Areas As indicated – some core – some choosing Where choosing: rank order choices Support in Social Education from Principal Teacher Pupil Support/ASN Form to be signed by pupil; parent; and PT Pupil Support/ASN Returned by 19 April 2013

13 e-Portfolio and the S3 Profile

14 Primary Profile e-Portfolio S3 Profile Senior Years Your Role

15 e-portfolio

16 e-Portfolio and the S3 Profile Primary Profile e-Portfolio S3 Profile Senior Years Your Role

17 S3 Profile



20 e-Portfolio and the S3 Profile Primary Profile e-Portfolio S3 Profile Senior Years Your Role

21 Lanark Grammar School The Curriculum for the Senior Phase Core Qualifications Focus Experience Focus English Mathematics Core PE Religious & Moral Education Social Education Targeted & specific: Employment Training College University Skill development Specific experiences Leadership Skills for Learning, Life and Work Competences

22 Lanark Grammar School Courses Current courseNew National Qualification course SG Credit/Intermediate 2National 5 SG General/Intermediate 1National 4 SG Foundation/Access 3National 3 Access 2National 2 Access 1National 1

23 Lanark Grammar School Assessment (1) New National Qualification course Assessment National 5Internal and external National 4Internal National 3Internal National 2Internal National 1Internal

24 Lanark Grammar School Assessment (2) InternalExternal (National 5) Marked by Lanark Grammar Staff Exam or other evidence such as portfolio/performance Graded at Band A to Band D Verified/checked by staff from outwith school Marked by SQA

25 Lanark Grammar School SQA Appeals 2 new services: Exceptional Circumstances Consideration Post-Results Service

26 Lanark Grammar School Option Form at Senior Phase Enables variety of pathways: For example, 3 Sciences 2 Languages Breadth of Social Studies courses Skills-based combination of courses

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