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Newton's first law of motion states that the velocity of an object will stay constant unless a force is put upon it.

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Presentation on theme: "Newton's first law of motion states that the velocity of an object will stay constant unless a force is put upon it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Newton's first law of motion states that the velocity of an object will stay constant unless a force is put upon it.

2 Like a roller coaster that was going up the incline, Then the force of gravity stops it at the top and then the gears help move the coater down the steep decline.

3 The net force put upon an object will make the object have motion. The mass and weight of the object will determine how far it will move.

4 Like the roller coaster in the picture, the net force upon the cart will push the object and the mass and weight will determine how far it will go, such as the Texas giant

5 The third law of motion states that when two equal forces are put upon an object, the object will remain stopped. Also when two unbalanced forces are put upon an object the side with more net force will be the side it moves to.

6 Like this picture of the forces put upon a roller coaster shows that it has equal forces to keep the cart from falling.


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