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Types of Motion Topic 4 – Movement Analysis

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1 Types of Motion Topic 4 – Movement Analysis
Biomechanics Types of Motion Topic 4 – Movement Analysis







8 Examples of Motion in Sport
Linear: Angular: General:

9 Newton’s Laws of Motion
First Law of Motion Law of Inertia “An object will remain at rest or continue with constant velocity unless acted on by an unbalanced force.” Bodies or objects stay where they are or keep moving unless acted on by an unbalanced force.

10 2nd Law of Motion Law of Acceleration
“The acceleration (for a body/object of constant mass) is proportional to, and in the same direction as the unbalanced force applied to it.” F = m x a

11 3rd Law of Motion Law of Reaction
“When one body or object applies a force to another, the second body or object will apply a force equal in size but opposite in direction to the first body or object.” Simply put – For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

12 Projectile Motion Any object released into the air.
Factors affecting Projectile Motion Height of release Angle of release Speed of release Air resistance Gravity

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