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4/25/13 Objective: Phylum Cnideria DO NOW: Which term below can best be used to describe the relationship between the forearm of a cat and the forearm.

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Presentation on theme: "4/25/13 Objective: Phylum Cnideria DO NOW: Which term below can best be used to describe the relationship between the forearm of a cat and the forearm."— Presentation transcript:

1 4/25/13 Objective: Phylum Cnideria DO NOW: Which term below can best be used to describe the relationship between the forearm of a cat and the forearm of an alligator? a. vestigial b. homologous c. analogous d. bottleneck


3 Phylum Cnideria (Hydra, Jellies, Sea Anenomies, Coral 2 Characteristics ALL Cniderians Share Tentacles with stinging cells Radial symmetry -No head -Body parts arranged like pieces of pie

4 Stinging Cells Cnidocytes: stinging cells along tentacles Nematocyst: type of stinging capsule -Coiled tubule with poisonous barb

5 Body Form Polyp: cylindrical body with tentacles coming from one end - sessile - ex: hydras Medusa: umbrella-shaped with tentacles around lower edge -Move freely -Ex: Jellies

6 Nutrition Tentacles: maneuver food into mouth in center Gastrovascular cavity: digestive sac - Fluid in cavity transport digested food to cells lining cavity, and transport waste out

7 Hydrozoa Hydras Some coral Portugese man-of-war Coloines of polyps

8 Scyphozoa Jellies

9 Anthozoa Sea anemones Most coral animals

10 Phylum Cnetophora Comb Jellies No stinging cells player/animals/invertebrates-animals/other- invertebrates/jellyfish.html 3wkH37w

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