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  … is a naturally occurring, solid, with highly ordered atomic arrangement, homogeneous chemical composition.  Minerals are formed by inorganic processes.

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2   … is a naturally occurring, solid, with highly ordered atomic arrangement, homogeneous chemical composition.  Minerals are formed by inorganic processes Mineral…….

3 Physical Properties







10   Magnetism  Radioactivity  Solubility in acids  Sensory tests “odour, taste or feel” Other diagnostic properties

11   Silicates(most abundant): all contain the (Si) and (O) anions  Carbonates : al contain the (CO 3 ) 2- anion  Sulphates : all contain the (SO 4 ) 2-  Halides : all contain at least 1 halogen anion (F -,CL -, Br -, I - )  Oxides : all contain at least O 2- anion  Sulphides :all contain an S 2- anion  Phosphates: all contain the (PO 4 ) -3 Most Common Groups

12   Olivine group  Garnet group  Aluminosilicate group  Humite group  Phenacite Nesosilicates

13  GroupNesosilicates ColourYellowish green, olive green, greenish black or reddish brown Hardness6.5-7 StreakWhite LustreVitreous SystemOrthorhombic End membersForsterite (Fe 2 SiO 4 ) Fayalite (Mg 2 SiO 4 ) Monticellite(CaMg SiO 4 ) Kirschsteinite (CaFeSi0 4 ) Olivine

14  Group ColourVariable with composition Hardness6.5-7.5 StreakWhite LustreVitreous to resinious Crystal SystemIsometric End membersPyrope, Almandine, Spessartine, Andradite, Grossular, Uvarovite, Hydrogrossular Garnet Group (Mg 2+,Fe 2+,Mn 2+,) 3 Al 2 Si 3 O 12 – Ca 3 (Fe 3+ Al 3+,Cr 3+ ) 2 Si 3 O 12

15  Group Colour Hardness Streak Lustre Crystal System End membersSillimanite, Kynaite and Andalusite Aluminosilicate (Al 2 SiO 5 )


17   Pyroxene group  Amphibole group  Pyroxenoid group Inosilicates group

18  Group Inosilicates ColourBlack Hardness7.5-6.5 StreakBlack LustreGlassy or metallic SystemOrthorhombic or monoclinic End membersEnstatite, Ferrosilite, Diopside,hedenbergite Cleavage2 planes that meet at 90 degree Pyroxene(XYZ 2 O 6 ) X= Na +, Ca 2+, Mn 2+, Fe 2+, Mg 2+ and Li + Y= Mn2+,Fe2+Fe3+,Cr3+ and Ti4 + Z= Si 4+ and Al 3+

19   Anthophyllite  Cummingtonite series  Tremolite series  Sodium amphibole Group Amphiboles

20   Mica group  Serpentine group  Chlorite group  Clay mineral group Phyllosilicates

21  GroupMica ColourBlack or brown to red Hardness2.5-3 StreakWhite LustreVitreous CleavagePerfect cleavage in one direction Biotite

22  GroupClay ColourUsually white but other colours are known Hardness2 LustreDull earthy Crystal systemTriclinic Kaolinite

23  GroupMica ColourSilver-white sheen Hardness2.5-4 StreakWhite LustrePearly, vitreous CleavagePerfect cleavage Muscovite

24   Feldspar Group  K-feldspar  Plagioclase feldspar series  Feldspathoid group  Scapolite Tectosilicates

25  Plagioclase

26  Alkali feldspar  Microcline  Sanidine

27   Orthoclase Alkali feldspar

28  GroupSilicate ColourVariety of colors Hardness7 Specific gravity2.66 StreakWhite LustreVitreous Crystal systemHexagonal Quartz(SiO 2 )

29   Calcite  Magnisite  Siderite  Rhodochrosite  Smithosonite  Aragonite  Dolomite Carbonates

30  GroupCarbonates ColourVariety of colors Hardness3 Streakwhite, grey LustreVitreous, pearly Calcite (CaCo 3 )

31  GroupCarbonates ColourColourless, white or brown Hardness3.5-4 StreakWhite LustrePearly, vitreous Crystal Systemtrigonal Dolomite CaMg(CO 3 ) 2

32   Hematite group  Hematite  Corundum  Ileminte  Spinel group  Magnetite  Chromite  Gahnite  Spinel Oxides

33  Hematite GroupHematite Group ColourRed to reddish brown Hardness5-6 StreakRed to brownish red LustreMetallic, submetallic Crystal SystemHexagonal

34  Magnetite (Fe 2 +Fe 3+ 2 O 4 ) GroupSpinel ColourBlack to metallic silver grey Hardness5.5-6.5 Streakblack LustreMetallic, dull Crystal SystemCubic

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