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Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Global Cluster.

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Presentation on theme: "Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Global Cluster."— Presentation transcript:

1 Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Global Cluster

2 To improve living conditions of IDPs located in camp/camp-like settlements by ensuring that protection and assistance are provided while striving for durable solutions The aim of the CCCM is:

3 Camps – all type of communal settlements Formal camps Self-settled gatherings Urban / Rural Transitional camps Collective centres

4 To ensure:  uniform standards across camps in terms of assistance/protection  systematic participation of displaced communities in all aspects of camp life  effective coordination of humanitarian services/actors in camp  systematic information on camp residents, humanitarian services and gaps in camps  durable solutions are sought Key responsibilities

5  Software’ CCCM deals with the people and organizational aspects of establishing, running and closing of camps/camp like settlements.  ‘Hardware’ ESC provides technical guidelines and standards for shelter (construction and reconstruction) As WASH or Health CCCM and the technical clusters

6 CCCM - Policy Setting CCCM Framework (in English, French, Spanish) CD Rom/Database 'IDP Key Resources' Camp Management Toolkit, (English, French, Arabic, currently being translated in Spanish)

7 CCCM Training / Capacity Building CCCM Training: I)Camp Coordinator / cluster lead training II)Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) for combined personnel III)Camp Management (CM) at three levels Camp managers – NGOs Local authorities / government officials Camp residents / committees / IDP representatives Over 1200 field personnel trained

8 CCCM focus in 2009 Finalize CCCM Needs Assessment Framework (database) – coordinated by LWF Camp closure handbook – coordinated by CARE CCCM and Sphere Handbook revision Finalize collective centre guidance

9 CCCM focus in 2009 Conduct more training in Spanish and French Strengthen information management on humanitarian service in camps. Mainstream cross-cutting issues (HIV/AIDS, environment, gender etc) into CCCM activities. Develop and disseminate 'best practice' on CCCM.

10 Thank you for your attention!

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