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Ecstatic Postures: Accessing the Alternate Reality.

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1 Ecstatic Postures: Accessing the Alternate Reality

2 Dr. Felicitas Goodman Discovered that certain works of non-Western art are ritual instructions. Posture is combined with rhythmic stimulation Body undergoes dramatic neurological changes Visionary experiences arise particular to the posture.

3 Einstein “Problems can’t be solved by the consciousness that created them.”

4 Ecstatic Postures  The body is the common denominator with built-in capabilities  We use our bodies to enter non-ordinary reality  Our bodies provide the doorway and the posture is the Key  Postures are done through experience versus a teaching.

5 Five Elements of Ecstatic Trance 1. Preparing 2. Creating the Space 3. Silencing the Mind 4. Queuing the Nervous System 5. Shaping the Experience

6 Preparing  Positive anticipation  Ready to surrender to the experience  Fully awake to a different perceptual field  Smudging is a cue through smell neurologically  Smoke exists in both ordinary and non-ordinary worlds

7 Creating the Space  Identify a space as sacred; separating it from everyday use  We do something physical to define the space  The Four directions, above and below, marked with prayer ties  Creates a sphere with a point in the circle  Create an altar in the center to place sacred objects  Invocation; calling in the spirits of each direction

8 Silencing the Mind  A stilling of the mind to empty ourselves  Preparation through breathing; 50 counts

9 Queuing the Nervous System  Auditory stimulation  Rhythmic sound  Opens the older part of the brain that uses images, symbolism, and color  200-210 beats/minute

10 Shaping the Experience  The Posture  Ritual postures focus the experience  Posture provides the doorway to a particular domain in the Alternate Reality  Ending the sound of the rattle and dropping the posture allow us to easily return to ordinary consciousness.

11 Common Indications You are in a Trance 1. Auditory shifts 2. Body temperature changes 3. Involuntary movements 4. Physiological changes

12 Types of Postures Healing Divination Metamorphosis Spirit Journeys Initiation: Death and Rebirth Living Myths Celebration

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