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SETTLING THE SOUTH ROANOKE AND JAMESTOWN. STARTER – AUGUST 28TH  Would you have migrated to Colonial America? When is migration a good move?

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2 STARTER – AUGUST 28TH  Would you have migrated to Colonial America? When is migration a good move?


4 ENGLAND’S FIRST ATTEMPT AT ROANOKE  Sir Walter Raleigh given rights to claim land for Queen Elizabeth  He sends explorers to check out sites  Find Roanoke Island off coast of NC  They depend too much on Indians, strain relations, hunger ensues, 1st attempt fails

5 RALEIGH TRIES AGAIN  In 1587, Raleigh sent colonists a second time.  John White was the colony’s governor.  This time, the colonist brought their wives and children.  John White’s granddaughter, Virginia Dare would be the first English baby born in the USA.

6 CROATOAN  White has to return to England for supplies and gets stuck there for 3yrs due to war with Spain  When White returns, the settlement is abandoned, supplies left, no bodies  Only clue is word “Croatoan” carved several places nearby  White can’t search because of a hurricane, returns to England



9 SETTLING THE CHESAPEAKE BAY  Joint-stock-company- investors share risk by investing but also profit  Founded with 105 men  Problems:  On a swamp- diseases and mosquitos  Surrounded by unfriendly tribes  People wanted to look for gold all the time

10 SETTLING THE CHESAPEAKE BAY  1st year many die of disease/starvation  Captain John Smith takes over- whips people into shape (literally)  Parts of Pocahontas story true did save his life  She marries John Rolfe (new tobacco makes $)  She goes to England, dies of disease

11 CONFLICT WITH THE POWHATAN  At first help colonists, they take advantage and get greedy  Jamestown grows and takes more land  Small fights break out, many killed on both sides, colonists burn many Powhatan villages

12 LIFE IN VIRGINIA  Headright system– encouraged settlers, 50 acres/person  Other towns develop outside of Jamestown  Many women are sent, men could buy a wife for certain pounds of tobacco  Plantations develop and slaves needed  Indentured servants– work for 4-7 years in return for passage to New World  1st Representative (elected) Government is formed– House of Burgesses

13 BACON’S REBELLION  Nathanial Bacon, a wealthy VA farmer, lead others against Jamestown  Mad about rights to land, conflict with NA’s  Killed many NA’s, burned villages and then burned Jamestown  Bacon dies and rebellion falls apart


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