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Pyramid Societies in China and France in the 17 th - 18 th Centuries Reading: Smith (on France and Europe), 658-670, 673-679.

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Presentation on theme: "Pyramid Societies in China and France in the 17 th - 18 th Centuries Reading: Smith (on France and Europe), 658-670, 673-679."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pyramid Societies in China and France in the 17 th - 18 th Centuries Reading: Smith (on France and Europe), 658-670, 673-679

2 France and Qing China  Worldwide depression in the 17th c caused by global cooling

3  Decline in central control leads to peasant rebellions, banditry, religious wars and wars with invaders China- rebels take over Beijing- Ming ruler invites Mongols to help him regain control, instead they assume power in all of China France- Religious wars- Catholics vs. Protestants (1562-1598). Thirty Years War- (1618-1648), Fronde (civil war)

4 Sovereignty in France and China: Reconstituted after Turmoil A. Semi-divine monarch- the “sun gods” Louis XIV Qianlong


6 Kangxi Emperor

7 Qianlong

8  Centralization of formal state government China - Civil service bureaucrats was expanded and Confucianized during the Ming period. (1368- 1644). Competitive jinshi exam largest - education system in the world. - Court eunuchs and censorate (surveillance) France - Venal Offices - Cardinal Richelieu- crushes nobles, consolidates power and creates intendants (32 district system)

9 Enforcing Absolutism A. Large standing army B. Intellectual Theory - French Philosophs Bodin and Bousset write about divine right of kings and the need for one ruler - In China, Confucianism and “Mandate of Heaven” divine, absolutist emperor

10 Display of Power – Art, Architecture, Imperial Cities




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