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Sports Medicine Occupations. Sports Medicine Occupations:  Athletic trainer  Doctor of osteopathy  Exercise physiologist  Kinesiotherapist  Medical.

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Presentation on theme: "Sports Medicine Occupations. Sports Medicine Occupations:  Athletic trainer  Doctor of osteopathy  Exercise physiologist  Kinesiotherapist  Medical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sports Medicine Occupations

2 Sports Medicine Occupations:  Athletic trainer  Doctor of osteopathy  Exercise physiologist  Kinesiotherapist  Medical doctor  Nursing  Nutrition/dietetics  Physical therapy

3 What to do:  In groups of 4 you will research the occupation you are given. You need to find a description of the occupation, the possible salary, education requirements, and a short video clip showing what your occupation is actually about.

4 Directions continued:  Once you find this information you will need to have a minimum of 5 slides with all the above information on them and a final slide with the reference for your occupation.

5 Continued  You will have 2 days to complete this assignment and save on a thumb drive for the class presentation. Each group will present their occupation to the class using the slides.

6 Continued  You will need to have three test questions relating to your slide presentation. Place them on another slide with the answers.

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