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Goal Setting.

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Presentation on theme: "Goal Setting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goal Setting

2 Goals Something that you want and are willing to work for.
Why set goals? They build self esteem. They keep you focused and on track. They help you identify what you want out of life. They help you use your time and energy wisely.

3 The Action Plan Process of Setting Goals

4 Identify your goal and put it in writing
Step One Identify your goal and put it in writing Be specific in what you want to accomplish Be positive Be realistic Be able to have control over the outcome The goal should challenge you

5 List what you will do to reach your goal
Step Two List what you will do to reach your goal It’s not enough to just identify your goals. You need to list what it will take for you to accomplish your goal.

6 Identify sources of help and support
Step Three Identify sources of help and support List who or what can help you accomplish your goal.

7 Give yourself a certain period of time to reach your goal
Step Four Give yourself a certain period of time to reach your goal It is important to set a deadline for accomplishing your goal.

8 Set up checkpoints to check on how well you are doing
Step Five Set up checkpoints to check on how well you are doing List how and when you will check your progress for each goal.

9 Give yourself a reward once you have achieved your goal
Step Six Give yourself a reward once you have achieved your goal

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