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Creating Violence-Free and Resilient Communities: Discussion September 29, 2015 Presentation to the Office of Health Equity Advisory Committee Karen.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Violence-Free and Resilient Communities: Discussion September 29, 2015 Presentation to the Office of Health Equity Advisory Committee Karen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Violence-Free and Resilient Communities: Discussion September 29, Presentation to the Office of Health Equity Advisory Committee Karen Ben-Moshe, MPH, MPP & Kelsey Lyles Public Health Institute, in partnership with California Department of Public Health

2 California Health in All Policies Task Force
Purpose Promote health, equity, and sustainability Structure Governor’s Executive Order (2010) and Senate Concurrent Resolution 47 (2012) Convenes 22 State agencies, departments, offices Reports to the Strategic Growth Council Funding from CDPH, The California Endowment and Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit Process Consensus decision-making Focus on co-benefits

3 HiAP Task Force: The State’s Role
Coordinate across sectors Improve data collection/dissemination Support evidence-based practices Provide guidance, resources, tools Regulations How can State government help? What should the State do differently? What unique role can the State play, that no-one else can? How can the State support healthy local decision-making?

4 Stakeholder Input to Date
State Agencies Task Force Meetings Task Force Small Group Meetings (BSCC, CDCR, DOJ, CDE, DSS, CSD) 1:1 meetings (BSCC, CDE, DOJ, DSS, CDCR, CAL FIRE, CDFA) CDPH Stakeholders Center for Family Health OHE, CDEU OHE, HRSU SACB CHSI Let’s Get Healthy California

5 Stakeholder Input to Date
External Stakeholders Association for State and Territorial Health Officers California Adolescent Health Collaborative California Center for Research on Women and Families California Coalition Against Sexual Assault CA Partnership to End Domestic Violence Children Now Coalition for Juvenile Justice Fight in Crime: Invest in Kids Housing California Office of Health Equity, Advisory Committee PolicyLink Prevention Institute UCSF Equity Institute US Health and Human Services, Region IX

6 Key Themes from Stakeholder Meetings
Data gaps and need for data sharing Service integration and access Housing Equity framework

7 Action Plan Goal and Purpose- DRAFT
Health in All Policies Task Force Aspirational Goal: Every California resident is able to live and be active in their communities without fear of violence or crime.  Action Plan Purpose: With a focus on cross-sector action, build State agency capacity and infrastructure to effectively eliminate poverty and structural violence and create violence-free and resilient communities.

8 Short-Term Objectives and Actions - DRAFT
Improve coordination between existing state initiatives to increase efficiency and limit duplication of efforts. Support efforts to alleviate poverty, by improving access to and enrollment in voluntary social services through increased efficiency and coordination of State referral systems. Create sustainable mechanisms and infrastructure for improving and promoting policy analysis and data sharing/coordination within and between state agencies, to promote work to reduce violence, with a focus on populations disproportionately impacted by violence.

9 Short-Term Objectives and Actions - DRAFT
Support neighborhood safety by promoting the incorporation of violence prevention practices into built environment related policies and programs. Build government infrastructure to address violence, by creating a learning community of state agencies, departments, and offices to build capacity and increase understanding of the influence of violence on California’s communities and assess and identify opportunities for cross sector intervention.

10 Engaging the OHE Advisory Committee
Do you have initial thoughts on the goals and objectives? What are key messages we should address in our narrative? Stakeholder engagement in the plan? What types of state processes have you been a part of? What has worked well? What could have been improved?

11 Engagement Opportunities
or meet with staff Attend Strategic Growth Council meetings Future OHE Advisory Committee meetings

12 Reflections and Question

13 Contact Information Karen Ben-Moshe Kelsey Lyles Health in All Policies Task Force:

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