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Year 8 - Revision WALT: To revise for end of Year Exam on Friday WILF: To revise PBL 1 – School To revise PBL 2 - Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 8 - Revision WALT: To revise for end of Year Exam on Friday WILF: To revise PBL 1 – School To revise PBL 2 - Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 8 - Revision WALT: To revise for end of Year Exam on Friday WILF: To revise PBL 1 – School To revise PBL 2 - Health

2 Starter 5 th June 18 th August 12 th March 1 st April 29 th December

3 La Santé Task 1 – design a healthy menu & give opinions (level 3) Task 2 – write a conversation in the doctors surgery Use the past tense (level 5) Task 3 - Design a poster promoting healthy lifestyle – include what you should and shouldn’t do (level 5/6)

4 Le Collège Task 1 - Design your timetable and give opinions on your subjects / teacher (level 3) Task 2 – Write a letter to a penfriend describing your school day (level 4) Task 3 – Talk about your plans for the future (level 5)

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