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The Experiment: Hunting for Causes

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1 The Experiment: Hunting for Causes
Ch 1 Sec 6 Pages 26-30

2 Objectives Define experiments- Need this for whole year!
Create An example of an experiment Formulate a flow chart of variables in a psychological experiment List the items for psychological experiment guidelines

3 experiments in psychology
Descriptive studies are nice….HOWEVER Experimental method is great for cause of behavior Experiment allows researcher to Control or manipulate, the situation being studied Not just an observer; NOT LIKE naturalistic observation Can actively seek cause and effect

4 Shock Experiment

5 What do you see?

6 Ethical Guidelines APA has code of ethics
Informed consent- Subjects must be informed so they can make intelligent decision Protect physical and mental harm Animals and Humane treatment

7 Experimental variables= Looking for relationship
Ask A question .. Do cigarettes effect driving? Nicotine in cigarettes improves reaction time THEREFORE give ½ subjects cigs, half placebo; then test driving Independent Variable- changed or manipulated by researcher Dependent Variable- Reaction of subject, behavior…Outcome, depends on I.V. I.V. cigs, placebo. D.V. driving, wrecks

8 chapter 1

9 Experimental and Control Conditions
Experiments usually require experiment condition AND control condition Control Condition- People, subjects, treated exactly like those in ex. Con. HOWEVER not given same treatment or manipulation or stimulus of I.V. As a result 2 groups; Experimental group, control group

10 Experimental/ Control Conditions cont.
Random assignment- Desire age, gender, socioeconomic difference So give numbers then say odds over here- even over hear. F.E. class cards Placebo- Fake treatment

11 Experiment effects Expectations of subs/researchers can influence study Single-blind study- Participants DO NOT KNOW if they are in control group or experimental . group Experimenter effects- Tone of voice, facial expressions, posture can effect peoples responses Double Blind study- Researcher doesn’t know groups either

12 chapter 1 Experimenter effects Unintended changes in subjects’ behavior due to cues inadvertently given by the experimenter. Strategies for preventing experimenter effects include single- and double-blind studies.

13 Advantages and Limitations of Experiments
Cause and effect and Placebo= positive Negative- Participants not represent group accurately Researcher makes the questions Field Research- Uses descriptive and experimental methods F.E. study prejudice in schools and lab

14 Summary Time! Variables Experiments, groups, conditions
Experimenter effects

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