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Co-development QCA,TDA and the University of Cumbria.

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1 Co-development QCA,TDA and the University of Cumbria

2 How do we know if our school’s approach to cross curricular teaching and learning is effective? Who could be involved? Tower Hamlets primary schools Cumbria primary schools Cumbria secondary schools Student teachers at all schools Creative Agents working with the schools University colleague

3 Potential benefits? research networks for schools research networks for colleagues research networks for other colleagues and organisations research networks for student teachers

4 Potential benefits for schools Contributing to the SEF Exploring values Innovative approaches to the curriculum Evaluating own practice Collaborative approach Making the school’s vision real Reflect on practice and innovations Identifying success criteria Opportunities to share learning Making links across phases and localities Addressing Professional Standards Enabling professional development

5 Co-development with the University of Cumbria and QCA 1.Online directories for University and national co- development projects 2.Online support for school based research 3.Access to co-development Discussion Board forums and file exchangeAccess to co-development Discussion Board forums and file exchange 4.School-based research workshops supported by UoC and QCA. 5.Curriculum Development Toolkit 6.Opportunities to share learning through QCA and UoC Partnership events and publications 7.Contribute to curriculum reviews 8.Start up funding for each network registered by mid June 08.

6 Primary Review: focus areas Personal development and skills Creativity Literacy and Numeracy MFL Curriculum flexibility Early Years approaches Transition Summer born

7 What next? 1.Identify an area of school based research for a co- development project. 2.Register your school: by mid June. 3.Already registered? Email your research area and suggested network partners. 4.Engage with online and workshop support. 5.Email short termly reports on progress- PPT, Word, Report template 6.Contribute to QCA and UoC Partnership events on work in progress and findings

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