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Numbers to 999 We have learned to trade 10 ones for 1 ten. =

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2 Numbers to 999

3 We have learned to trade 10 ones for 1 ten. =

4 We have learned to trade 10 tens for 1 hundred. =

5 Six groups of ten sixty 60 Ten groups of ten one hundred 100

6 Three groups of one hundred Three Hundred 300

7 Five groups of one hundred Five Hundred 500

8 = 3 Hundreds 1 Ten 4 Ones

9 TENSONES This is the tens column. One ten equals 10 ones. This is the ones column. HUNDREDS This is the hundreds column. Three hundreds equals 30 tens or 300 ones.

10 = 5 Hundreds 4 Tens 2 Ones

11 TENSONES This is the tens column. Four tens equals 40 ones. This is the ones column. HUNDREDS This is the hundreds column. Five hundreds equals 50 tens or 500 ones.

12 TENSONES This tells us that there are 3 groups of ten. This tells us that there are 6 ones. Knowing this, we know that our number is 536. HUNDREDS This tells us that there are 5 groups of hundreds.

13 TENSONES This tells us that there are 7 groups of ten. This tells us that there are 3 ones. Knowing this, we know that our number is 973. HUNDREDS This tells us that there are 9 groups of hundreds.

14 TENSONES This tells us that there are 2 groups of ten. This tells us that there are 4 ones. Knowing this, we know that our number is 624. HUNDREDS This tells us that there are 6 groups of hundreds.


16 Pick the correct number: 2. 7 hundreds 3 tens 0 ones 037 703730 1. 6 hundreds 4 tens 2 ones 246 642 624

17 1. 6 hundreds 4 tens 2 ones 246 642 624 2. 7 hundreds 3 tens 0 ones 037703730

18 Pick the correct number: 4. 2 hundreds 5 tens 6 ones 652 562256 3. 8 hundreds 4 tens 7 ones 748 847 784

19 3. 8 hundreds 4 tens 7 ones 748 847 784 4. 2 hundreds 5 tens 6 ones 652562256

20 Pick the correct number: 6. 4 hundreds 2 tens 8 ones 428 248842 5. 5 hundreds 6 tens 3 ones 653 356 563

21 5. 5 hundreds 6 tens 3 ones 653 356 563 6. 4 hundreds 2 tens 8 ones 428248842

22 Pick the correct number: 8. 2 tens 8 ones 4 hundreds 248 428842 7. 6 Tens 5 hundreds 3 ones 356 563 653 LOOK CLOSELY!!!

23 7. 6 Tens 5 hundreds 3 ones 356 563 653 8. 2 tens 8 ones 4 hundreds 248 428842

24 Pick the correct number: 10. 2 Tens 1 hundreds 3 ones 312 213 123 9. 7 tens 4 ones 6 hundreds 476 674764 LOOK CLOSELY!!!

25 9. 7 tens 4 ones 6 hundreds 476 674 764 10. 2 Tens 1 hundreds 3 ones 312 213 123


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